
QES internship opportunities

2022 CAPI intern Elly Thompson on the coloured steps of the Batu Caves temple near Kuala Lumpur
UVic Political Science student Elly Thompson on a visit to the Batu Caves temple near Kuala Lumpur during her 2022 CAPI internship with the Malaysian Social Research Institute


The  (QES) program is managed through a unique partnership of Rideau Hall Foundation, Community Foundations of Canada, and Universities Canada.

The Academic Diplomacy in Practice (ADP) project and the Navigating Complexity Together (NC) project provide work and learning opportunities for 番茄社区 (UVic) students with established partner organizations in Thailand and Malaysia. QEScholars will contribute to education and leadership training programs, community health initiatives, and social and economic development projects with refugee youth at the Karenni Social Development Centre and Malaysia Social Research Institute, and with Indigenous communities in Borneo with Pacos Trust and the Penampang Service Center, in Jakarta with the Center for Indonesian Policy Studies and in Bangkok with the Global Alliance Against the Traffice in Women.

Between 2024 and 2028, 50 Canadian undergraduate and graduate level students from UVic will cross academic, cultural and geographic borders and work with diverse communities to complete 5-6-month internships developing the skills and knowledge necessary to becoming more competent, confident, and compassionate leaders and global citizens.

QE Scholars will:

1) Increase knowledge, skills and critical thinking
2) Enhance cross-cultural understanding and transnational networks
3) Increase contribution to local and global communities working alongside established partners on activities that contribute to strengthening individuals and communities with benefits that extend beyond academic borders.



  • Students must not have previously received QES funding
  • Students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents
  • Students must be 35 years of age or under at the time of their application for an award (under exceptional circumstances a request for exemption to this rule may be considered)
  • Students must be registered at a provincially recognized, degree-granting Canadian university during the semester that they apply for the program
  • Students must be entering or enrolled in their third or fourth year of undergraduate level studies, or be enrolled in a graduate program
  • Students must receive academic credit for their internship
  • Students must be able to communicate in at least one of the languages used by the partner organization/institution.
Interns will also be required to:
  • Attend a 5-day in-person pre-departure training and orientation at UVic in April 2025
  • Post 5 blogs to the CAPI website,
  • Complete all reporting requirements set by CAPI and the program funders including pre-departure, critical reflections, narrative reports and a Capstone project,
  • Participate in a story-telling event during the semester following their overseas placement,
  • Act as a mentor for future interns and scholars.


Interns funded through the QES program will receive up to $9,500 CAD to cover international air travel from Victoria to the intern’s placement country and living expenses while in their overseas placement (local travel, rent, utilities, food, etc.). Students who are not already covered through UVic or another insurance carrier will be responsible for purchasing travel insurance for 6 months. And students will be responsible for tuition and course fees. 


PACOS Trust, Sabah, Malaysia (1 placement)

PACOS Trust is a community-based organization based in Sabah, Malaysia that is dedicated to supporting Indigenous communities. Their aim is to engage and empower Indigenous peoples in the ongoing protection of their identities, lands, culture and traditions, PACOS serves as a bridge between the communities and government, as well as local and international bodies that highlight issues related to Indigenous peoples in Sabah.

Impacts in communities include: building and supporting Community Learning Centres (CLC) at the request of the villagers who see the benefit and need to have a CLC in their village; supporting and maintaining traditional knowledge; building community capacity to encourage sustainable socio-economic growth within communities so that they will achieve self-reliance and become more economically independent; training programs in leadership; creating jobs for women; increasing health and wellness outcomes; and educating communities on Indigenous rights.


Penampang DAP Service Centre, Malaysia (1 placement)

Penampang DAP Service Centre serves the residents in Penampang, but more specifically in Kapayan. The focus of services are on information dissemination through online/printed media and social media; organizing communities and facilitating activities on the environment, culture, women and youth; and providing aid to individuals (disabled, elderly, poor) and community in needs. Penampang DAP Service Centre is happy to welcome interested, open minded and committed individuals to join our research and activities. With this, we endeavor to support intercultural relationships and networks which will contribute to more open and just communities.

The Service Centre focuses on programmes such as environment (community recycling, upcycling, composting, community work etc), culture & identity, women empowerment, youth development and social services.

Malaysian Social Research Institute, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1 placement)

  • Check out from past interns at the Malaysian Social Research institute (MSRI)
  • Check out a from the 2019 MSRI interns


 (MSRI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for the poor, marginalized and politically under-represented people from the local communities they serve (refugees and asylum seekers from Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Pakistan Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, and Afghanistan). MSRI has three main programs QEScholars would work on:

  1. Women and Girls Protection Project (WAGAR) provides health programming to refugee women and girls to improve mental and physical health outcomes. WAGAR provides the opportunity and space to safely share their experiences including concerns about their mental health, and Gender-Based Violence (GBV).
  2. MSRI Education Program. Since there are very limited options for education available for refugees and asylum seekers living in Malaysia. MSRI's education program provides schooling for refugees and asylum seekers from preschool to secondary level students.
  3. Food Aid Programme that distributes food to refugee families registered with MSRI.

Position description:

The Education Intern will be assisting the Education Programme Manager in setting up and running of MSRI’s Education programme for the 2024 school year and assisting with MSRI's community facilitation and empowerment programmes for adults (teachers, parents, guardians):

  • Monitoring daily activities, formulating reports and school updates
  • Formulating/reviewing school registration policies, school rules/regulations and standing operating procedures
  • Reviewing of curriculum and printing of school books
  • Monitoring/organising of extracurricular activities/trips
  • Setting up a system to connect secondary school students with higher education opportunities
  • Designing and implementing a feedback system and conducting feedback surveys for clients
  • Planning and organizing activities and supporting administrative work
  • Supporting the teachers and students in the classroom
  • Organize afterschool activities and clubs

Position-specific eligibility:

In addition to the core eligibility criteria for the CAPI QES program (see above), prospective interns must possess the following:

  • Strong writing, research and analytical skills;
  • Good communication skills, including listening, report writing, and editing documents with sensitivity to cultural differences;
  • Understanding of how and when to work independently and/or collaboratively;
  • Ability to take initiative where appropriate;
  • Excellent organizational, multi-tasking, and project-management skills;
  • Commitment to, and knowledge of refugee and migration related issues.



Applicants must submit the following documents:

  • An online application form
  • An up-to-date resume (2 pages maximum)
  • University transcripts (unofficial copies are acceptable)

Applicants must also identify on their application form how they will connect this internship with their academic work to receive credit. Options include:

  1. a relevant course completed during the internship period,
  2. a directed reading/ honor's thesis, or
  3. a CO-OP work term.

Potential internship-credit pairings must be communicated in the application and need to be approved by the program manager before you begin your internship placement. If you have further questions concerning your eligibility, please do not hesitate to contact Robyn Fila by email (rfila@uvic.ca).


The Canadian Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships (QES) is managed through a unique partnership of Universities Canada, the Rideau Hall Foundation, Community Foundations of Canada, and Canadian universities.