
Other reports

Affordability and accessibility studies

  • Study on BC University Access and Affordability 2005 (PDF)
  • Study on BC University Access and Affordability 2004 (PDF)
  • UVic VPAC Executive Summary 2014 (PDF)
  • UVic VPAC Executive Summary 2013 (PDF)
  • UVic VPAC Executive Summary 2012 (PDF)
  • UVic VPAC Executive Summary 2011 (PDF)
  • UVic VPAC Executive Summary 2009 (PDF)
  • UVic VPAC Executive Summary 2007 (PDF)
  • UVic VPAC Executive Summary 2006 (PDF)
  • UVic VPAC Executive Summary 2004 (PDF)
  • UVic VPAC Executive Summary 2003 (PDF)

Undergraduate course delivery

  • Academic Year 2006/07 (PDF)
  • Academic Year 2003/04 (PDF)
  • Academic Year 2002/03 (PDF)
  • Academic Year 2001/02 (PDF)
  • Academic Year 1997/98 (PDF)
  • Academic Year 1996/97 (PDF)

BC college transfer students

  • Profile of BC College Transfer Students Admitted to UVic, 1998/99 to 2002/03 ()
  • Profile of BC College Transfer Students Admitted to BC Universities, 1994/95 to 1998/99 ()
  • BC College Transfer Credit Evaluation: An Analysis of Students Entering the 番茄社区, Winter 1998/99 Session ()
  • Profile of BC College Transfer Students Admitted to UVic 1993/94 - 1997/98 ()
  • Profile of BC College Transfer Students Admitted to the 番茄社区 1992/93 - 1996/97 ()

Classroom utilization

  • Academic Year 2005/06 (PDF)
  • Academic Year 2004/05 (PDF)
  • Academic Year 2002/03 (PDF)
  • Academic Year 2001/02 (PDF)
  • Academic Year 1997/98 (PDF)
  • Academic Year 1996/97 (PDF)