

The following is a list of TERM-BASED enrolment statistics available in PDF format or from our SAS Portal (they take a moment to load), viewable using Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher (PC) or Firefox 3.6 or higher (PC or Mac). These reports will require you to login to the portal using your personal (not departmental) NetLinkID and password from ON CAMPUS, or using the  when OFF CAMPUS.

Note: For official reporting purposes, please check with our department.


  • : Annualized undergraduate EETs by course faculty/department. (PDF)
  • : Annualized graduate FTEs by department (Summer, Fall, Spring Terms) (PDF)
  • : Undergraduate EETs by Co-op Workterm (Summer, Fall, Spring Terms) (PDF)


  • : Full and part time undergraduate and graduate headcounts (Fall Terms). (PDF)
  • : Graduate headcounts by field of study (Fall Terms). (PDF)
  • : Undergraduate headcounts by Year of Study (Fall Terms). (PDF)

Full-time equivalents

  • : Full-time equivalent (FTE) students by full and part time study status (Fall Terms). (PDF)
  • : Full-time equivalent (FTE) students by gender (Fall Terms). (PDF)

Study permit & citizenship

  • : Study permit headcounts by student type and country (Fall terms only). (PDF)
  • : Study permit headcounts by student type and faculty (Fall terms only). (PDF)

New to UVic

  • : Undergraduates new to UVic by Year of Study (Fall terms only). (PDF)
  • : Undergraduates new to UVic by previous institution attended: BC High Schools (Fall terms only). (PDF)
  • : Undergraduates new to UVic by previous institution attended: Non-BC High Schools (Fall terms only). (PDF)

Previous institution attended

  • : Undergraduate and graduate student headcounts by previous institution attended (Fall terms only). (PDF)
  • : Undergraduate student headcounts by previous institution attended; BC high schools only (Fall terms only). (PDF)
  • : Undergraduate student headcounts by previous institution attended; BC colleges and universities only (Fall terms only). (PDF)

Degree sought

  • : Undergraduate headcounts by degree sought and full part time (Fall Terms). (PDF)
  • : Undergraduate student headcounts by degree sought and by gender (Fall Terms). (PDF)
  • : Graduate student headcounts by degree sought and by full/part time (Fall Terms). (PDF)
  • : Graduate student headcounts by degree sought and by gender (Fall Terms). (PDF)


  • : Undergraduate headcounts by co-op (Fall Terms). (PDF)
  • : Undergraduate headcounts by co-op and degree sought (Fall Terms). (PDF)
  • : Graduate headcounts by co-op (Fall Terms) (PDF)
  • : Headcounts, FTEs, and EETs of undergraduate and graduate students in workterm sections (Fall Terms) (PDF)


  • : Undergraduate headcounts by Age (Fall terms only). (PDF)
  • : Graduate headcounts by Age (Fall terms only). (PDF)

Credentials Awarded

  • : Student credentials granted by student level (Undergraduate, Law, Honourary, Graduate, Continuing Studies) and degree level (Bachelor, Certificate, Diploma, Professional Specialization Certificate, Masters, Doctorate). (PDF)
  • : Student credentials granted by student level (Undergraduate, Law, Honourary, Graduate, Continuing Studies) and faculty. (PDF)