
UVic competencies

A competency model describes the knowledge, skills and attributes employees demonstrate when successfully contributing to an organization’s strategic objectives. The UVic competency model offers a high-level view of what it means to work at UVic and is aspirational, recognizing that pursuing our strategic objectives will always require us to lean into the edge of learning, growth and discovery. 

The model applies to staff and administrative leaders and is a foundation for many of the HR processes and systems used by managers. While the model has not been designed specifically to apply to faculty roles, it can be used by any employee at UVic.

UVic Competency model
The UVic competency model is intentionally non-hierarchical, recognizing that each employee will realize, demonstrate and develop competencies and behaviours differently according to their personal goals, role, unit, department and level within the organization

Resource guides for each competency grouping provide additional information on how each competency could be demonstrated, sample questions for coaching, reflection or interviews, and ideas for learning opportunities. The model and accompanying resource guides are intended to encourage employees to ask the question “How does this show up for me?” rather than offer a prescriptive application for all. Employees and their supervisors are encouraged to identify one or two competencies to develop at a time, in a way that is relevant and appropriate to the employee, rather than attempting to take it all on at once.

For most employees, conversations about the competencies would occur as part of the annual performance and development cycle and associated goal-setting conversations. Supervisors may take advantage of the Supervisor's guide to using UVic Competencies for further ideas on incorporating competencies into their HR practices.


© 2024 番茄社区, Department of Human Resources. 


Respecting the rights of one another and being in right relationship with all things, we are equipped to uphold a community of belonging and accountability where Indigenous Peoples and their ways of knowing and being enrich education, research and service at the university.

Indigenous Acumen
I actively grow my understanding of the university’s location in Lək̓ʷəŋən territories and in a place important to WSÁNEĆ Peoples. I demonstrate my knowledge of colonialism and Indigenous rights to self-determination in my role to align the work of the university with Indigenous laws and honour the priorities identified by Indigenous communities. I initiate and participate in learning opportunities that deepen my respect for Indigenous People and their teachings, protocols, languages, lands, waters and Knowledges.

Cultural humility
I practice self reflection to acknowledge my identities, biases, privilege and power. This helps me build awareness of how my social context, distinct experiences and self-image shapes my beliefs, feelings, thoughts and behaviour. I expand my perspective by actively considering different ways of knowing and being. I am willing to feel uncomfortable and vulnerable to do this work.

Take responsibility
I accept the responsibility I have to other people, to future generations, to the lands and waters, and to upholding the rights of Indigenous Peoples to self-determination. I actively prioritize cultivating a community of care, bringing a good heart and a good mind into my interactions with others. I demonstrate accountability for my words and actions, acknowledging mistakes and working together as learners and teachers.

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Through a culture of trust, curiosity, and flexibility, we will continuously re-imagine what we do, how we do it and why—being courageous and open to change helps us transform our communities and the world.

Navigate conflict effectively
I continually grow my ability to listen to others, to engage in dialogue and to advocate my own views skillfully so that decisions can benefit from diverse perspectives. I work across differences with courage, skill, and empathy to create new and better outcomes and to deepen relationships based on trust, respect, and consent.

Engage with challenges and opportunities
I build the skills needed to think critically and creatively about challenges and opportunities. I seek out contrasting perspectives to disrupt thinking patterns and create space for other voices when problem solving. I use inquiry, analysis and data driven approaches to create transparency and accountability for change.

Innovate courageously
I use courage and optimism to innovate and take strategic risks when existing systems no longer serve current needs. I work with others to generate a range of options and ideas, and remain patient and determined, even when efforts to create meaningful change take a long time.

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From the campus to the global community, we support people’s wellness and ability to thrive, and are addressing sustainability, climate action and the systemic barriers affecting equity, diversity and inclusion.

Address barriers
I understand and value the diversity of UVic’s students, employees and the broader community. I work proactively to increase my awareness of systemic bias and barriers so I can be accountable for my own actions and provide appropriate support to those negatively impacted. I am thoughtful and proactive in identifying and removing obstacles to equity and accessibility so that UVic is a welcoming environment that is diverse, inclusive, equitable and accessible.

Commit to sustainability
I contribute to UVic’s climate and sustainability goals by integrating sustainability practices and leadership into my work and professional development. I support embedding Indigenous perspectives in my work by listening, learning and being accountable for change that is based on trust, respect, reciprocity, consent and responsiveness.

Focus on Wellness
I remain responsive and empathetic by prioritizing wellness, sense of belonging, and lifelong learning for myself, my colleagues, my team, our student population and the broader UVic community. I take care of myself and recognize my role in a community that sustains one another as we take on the important work ahead.

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We support collaboration among faculties, disciplines, and divisions; between academic and administrative units; between the campus and our community; and between UVic and our international partners, alumni, research institutions, industry and governments.

Cultivate partnerships
I promote collaboration, partnership and cross-organizational activities that share knowledge and pool resources to get things done. I share my resources, lift up other voices and champion other people’s ideas while trusting them to do the same for the good of our community, society and the planet.

See the larger systems
I understand UVic is a complex system and work across the organization to make connections between different parts. I recognize that actions I take may impact other parts of UVic and thoughtfully anticipate and consult to avoid unintended consequences. I take a big picture perspective when assessing challenges to see beyond my own needs to appreciate how we are all interconnected and strengthened by each other.

Connect to purpose
I see the part I play in our shared future and make connections through my daily work to the purpose, principles and pledge in UVic’s strategic plan and to the four Teachings of the Indigenous Plan.
I’m inspired in my work by the positive impact UVic has on students, our community and the world and am proud of my contributions to UVic’s distinct strengths and priorities.

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