
Managing Medical Accommodations

The Accommodation process is a collaborative process involving departments, unions, and employees at UVic. The program provides a planned approach to returning or remaining at work following an injury or illness, whether occupational or non-occupational. 

The university has a legal duty to provide accommodation for both employees and job applicants with regard to matters that are governed by the BC Human Rights Code, unless it would cause undue hardship for the university to do so. The university has made a commitment (Policy #HR6115 employment accommodation) to achieve a workplace reduced of barriers by providing medical accommodation in a manner which is fair, equitable and needs of all parties are respected.

Ensuring our employees are able to stay at work or return to work as quickly as possible following a medical leave is in the best interest of all parties. It is good medicine for your employee and good business for your departments operations. As a supervisor you have an important role to play in the process.

Supervisor/Manager’s Role

As the manager your first step is to communicate with your employee to fully understand the need and reason for the accommodation/sick leave request. Ensure your employee is aware of the resources available to them through EFAP and their union. If appropriate and to help facilitate the discussion, have them complete the Request for Accommodation form.

If the request for medical accommodation can be managed through a simple accommodation plan complete and send a signed copy of the plan to the assigned Work Life Consultant.

If the request for medical accommodation is complex or if you have any concerns please contact your Work Life Consultant.

Work Life Consultant’s Role

The Work Life Consultant needs to be involved in all complex accommodations and acts as a resource for all parties if a staff or faculty member are experiencing health related issues to remain in the workplace, or are absent/returning to work. The Work Life Consultant:

  • liaises with the medical community
  • interprets medical information
  • coordinates with all stakeholders involved in the planning, implementation and monitoring of safe and timely returns to work
  • encourages appropriate accommodation as medically recommended
  • monitors progress
  • responsible for ensuring privacy and security of medical information

Forms and resources:

Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)
Request for Accommodation
Documenting a Simple Return to Work
Accommodation Plan
Job Shadow/Trail Log
Medical Accommodation Sit Stand Desks - Guide for Supervisors
Medical Accommodation Adaptive Equipment - Guide for Supervisors
Physician's certificate
Primary Care Tip Sheet 
Central Accommodation Fund

Policies and guidelines

Employment Accommodation: Policy #HR6115
Employment Accommodation Guidelines for employees with a disability - CUPE 917 and CUPE 951
Guidelines fro the Use of Service Animals on Campus