
Remote flex

What is Remote Flex?

UVic’s principle-based approach to flexibility is built around temporary, renewable arrangements that require employees to reside within commuting distance and maintain a connection to campus.  UVic’s Flexibility Framework recognizes that personal commitments or relocation may require an individual to work remotely from a location outside of commuting distance on a temporary basis (up to six months).  These cases are intended to be temporary with a plan for the employees to return or relocate to within commuting distance within a six-month timeframe, and are considered the same as Hybrid Flex.

In some rare, and exceptional circumstances an agreement may be reached in advance for an individual to work remotely on a full-time basis from a location that is outside of commuting distance and may be outside of the province of British Columbia, with no plans to relocate or return to British Columbia.  In these circumstances a Working out of Province Agreement is required.  UVic will not approve employees working from outside of Canada.

Who is it For?

Remote Flex is for those working out of commuting range or out of Province will only be approved in rare and exceptional circumstances.  Examples of exceptional circumstances may include:

  • Demonstrated recruitment challenges for hard to fill roles
  • Retention of specialized skillsets
  • Business/operational requirements that will last more than six months. Temporary situations of less than six months can be addressed through the Hybrid Flex process.

Remote Flex is not intended to apply to Faculty roles.


Due to the legal and logistical implications of employees working outside of BC, and the emergent nature of issues and policy development, both the employee and hiring manager should give full consideration to the risks, costs, and other implications of the arrangements and proceed with an abundance of caution, as guidance may change over time. Individuals requesting Remote Flex will apply to their supervisor describing the circumstances.  Supervisors will discuss Remote Flex requests with their HRC to ensure all risks and considerations have been taken into account and can provide a Working out of Province Agreement which must be used in all cases of Remote Flex.

Sample Case studies:

  • The position has been vacant for two years after several failed recruitment attempts. Finally, the perfect candidate has been identified, but they are not able to move here based on family commitments.  With careful consideration, some open minded thinking and the cooperation of the team, a Working out of Province Agreement has been signed that makes this Remote Flex arrangement work for everyone.  There is no intention for the employee to move to Victoria
  • This employee has been planning their retirement for several years and has created a succession plan from within the department. Everything is looking good, when SURPRISE the person identified to take over announces they will be taking one year of parental leave.  The retiring employee has already purchased a home in another province but has agreed to extend their retirement date another year if they can work from their new home.  With the help of their HRC, the department leader and retiring employee have agreed to a one-year Remote Flex arrangement and a Working out of Province Agreement was signed.
  • The University has set up a new partnership with another institution outside the province on an exciting research project. There is a two-year placement for a UVic staff member requiring them to work at the partner campus.  Once the project is complete, they will return to their previous role and plan to move back to their Victoria home.  Given the duration, this would be considered a Remote Flex arrangement, and a Working out of Province agreement is required.
