
Responsibilities for supervisors and managers

You are your employee’s primary point of contact if they are ill, injured or disabled. It is your responsibility to:

  • Manage simple return-to-work cases**. Provide modified duties and implement return to work plan in keeping with any restrictions or limitations noted.
  • For any complex cases, or when you are unsure of the process, contact and work with your Work Life Consultant.
  • Verify that your employee’s leave is being used appropriately and is recorded in web leave entry. You may have to ask your employee to provide a physician’s certificate. Refer to the appropriate collective agreement or terms of reference and internal policies (i.e. how to report absences).
  • Work with your employee to identify supports, including accommodations that can help them remain at work if they are able to or return to work when it is medically safe to do so.
  • Maintain communication with your employee in a manner that is appropriate to the situation. Keeping connected to work is important for your employee’s recovery. The supervisor and colleagues can be an important source of emotional support and encouragement.
  • Coordinate and document the accommodation your employee may need to remain at work or return to work. This includes reviewing substantive duties of the job, assessing the impact an accommodation will have on the workplace, and involving the appropriate parties.
  • Fill out required paperwork to ensure appropriate pay for your employees. Contact the Payroll Office if you have any questions.
  • Monitor progress of employee’s RTW plan. Document and report on the effectiveness of the accommodation to the assigned Work-Life Consultant.

** Simple return-to-work cases - These are cases where there are no concerns about the absence, a return to work is likely within one month, there are no workplace issues or barriers for a return to work and/or you able to temporarily accommodate the employee without assistance.

To support your employees:

  • Communicate clear attendance expectations to all employees. Learn more about setting expectations for all your employees so they know and understand what is required in terms of their attendance, as well as performance and behaviour.
  • Make sure employees are aware of the call in process when they will be absent from work.
  • Offer modified duties and to help them stay at work. Explore job modifications with employees and demonstrate flexibility and innovation. Let them know they are welcome back when they can do any portion of work.
  • Maintain open lines of communication and take time to have a conversation with employees who may be struggling. Encourage employees to seek assistance through EFAP for a variety of work/life balance and health-focused services, as well as short-term counselling.
  • Encourage a healthy workplace and keep employee updated about programs through the .
  • Review workplace ergonomics and review manual handling or have employees take the .


Benefit Handbooks – Benefit information on sick leave, long term disability and WorkSafeBC.

Collective Agreements

Physician’s Certificate

Primary Care Tip Sheet provides information on primary care options in the Victoria and Sooke area for staff who do not have a primary care provider.