
Support for Leaders

Implementing the Flexibility Framework with your team

Getting Started

Implementing for the first time

Review the Flexibility Framework website including Flexibility Framework Principles, the three Flex options, request form, checklists, and FAQs to familiarize yourself with the program.

Flexibility as a Tool to Advance Equity

Reflect on how implementing flexible work can advance UVic's equity action plan and support employee success. 

Developing Departmental Criteria

One of the first things for a leader to do is develop criteria for Flexible Work  based on your department’s operations and the Flexibility Principles. 

Providing appropriate technology for working at home

It is the department’s responsibility to provide appropriate computer equipment and peripherals.   Staff must utilize UVic standard computers provided through the Technology Solutions Centre that are managed by appropriate UVic personnel (e.g. University Systems Desktop Support Services). Staff may not use their own computers to work remotely.

Consult Collective Agreements for Campus Flex

Not all Campus Flex options are available to all employee groups.  Please review the appropriate Collective Agreement and consult with your Human Resources Consultant (HRC)

Regular review of Flexible arrangements 

Identify regular review periods to discuss the effectiveness of flexible work arrangements with staff and your team.  The Flexible Arrangements Review Guide provides resources and sample questions for individual staff conversations and joint team conversations to ensure the principles of the program are fulfilled.

Team norms are protocols and commitments developed by each team to guide members in working together. Norms help team members to clarify expectations regarding how they will work together to achieve their shared goals. Flexible workplaces require renegotiation of team norms, and new implicit norms that have developed should be made explicit for everyone.  Use the Team Norms guide  to collaboratively develop new team norms and revisit them regularly.

Plan for Great Meetings

With planning, technology and good design, team meetings can be effective in any format. See the Team Meetings for a Hybrid Workplace Resource for help with team meetings in a hybrid workplace.

Clarifying expectations, setting goals and giving feedback

Leading hybrid teams and individuals working alternate schedules can create a different context for clarifying work expectations and monitoring performance.  How staff set their work goals, collaborate on work assignments and track work progress has evolved over time.  Leading teams where staff work in different places and at different times requires more intentional communication, new systems, and increased trust. Use the Performance and Development Cycle tools to set goals, engage in regular check-ins and create learning and development plans.
