
Flexibility Framework Principles

The university maintains a principle-based approach to workplace flexibility. Each unit or department leader establishes criteria for flexibility based on the operational needs of their workplace and UVic’s principles and framework. Specific workplace agreements will be created for each request that address the needs of the department, individual, and the overall UVic community.

Organizational Effectiveness

  • Service and operational needs will be primary considerations for Flexibility Framework request approval.
  • Flexibility Arrangements are temporary. They have an end date and may be renewed, suspended or cancelled with reasonable notice.
  • Flexible arrangements create opportunities to optimize space utilization, workplace technology and team communication norms.

Trust and Flexibility

  • Flexibility requires trust, initiative and sound judgement to create arrangements that work in each circumstance.
  • Less day to day oversight requires a supervisory approach that is outcome based, with clearly articulated expectations and understanding of work output, performance standards and communication norms established up front.

Employee Initiated

  • Flexibility requests will be employee initiated and voluntary. UVic will not unilaterally create flexibility arrangements requiring individuals to work at home or outside of work hours established in collective agreements.
  • Employees will normally be responsible for purchasing furniture to set up an ergonomic workspace at home and for providing adequate internet connectivity. UVic will provide the necessary technology.

Equity does not mean equality

  • Not all roles, individuals, teams or departments are equally suited to flexible work.
  • While every effort will be made to consider flexibility requests in a fair and equitable manner across the institution, each decision must consider the unique circumstances of the role, individual, team and department context.

Connection to Campus

  • Some connection to campus, students, clients and colleagues is necessary in all roles.
  • Employees are expected to attend campus as required and may need to adjust their Hybrid or Campus Flex schedule.
  • Remote Flex (fully remote or long distance) will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.