
Think Succession

Think Succession

Succession planning at UVic involves the analysis, planning and decision-making needed to ease transitions resulting from planned and unplanned vacancies in key leadership roles or high-risk roles with specialized knowledge and skills. The approaches to succession planning may include developing internal leadership capacity, strategic organization design to leverage high-risk skillsets, or strategic recruitment planning for hard to fill roles.

The “Think Succession” toolkit is the result of a review of succession practices across the university. It has been designed as an interactive document that consolidates, aligns and builds on the existing succession practices and tools at UVic, while guiding leaders through the reflective process required to plan for expected and unanticipated vacancies of administrative leadership or specialized roles. The framework is not intended to address academic succession (Deans, Associate Dean and Chairs) or senior executive (VP and President) level leadership succession.

The following interactive PDF document is meant to be downloaded and saved to your server rather than used in the web-viewer. It works best when opened with the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC or Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. Older versions or other PDF software may limit the functionality in which case manual entry may be required for text boxes and assessment calculations.

Think Succession: Toolkit

Please note: This document was written before the launch of UVic's Equity Action Plan and will be updated as part of our ongoing review process. While not specifically referenced, the goal of succession planning is to rethink people development, organsiation development, and to remove bias and create opportunities for creative solutions.
Please review this tool through the lens of removing unconscisous bias and creating opportunies to address the goals set out in UVic's Equity Action Plan.