
Salary Administration

Your HR Advisor is here to assist with your questions about salaries and recruitment. Below are some frequently asked questions we commonly address. Feel free to reach out to your HR Advisor for additional information or assistance.

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Frequently asked questions

Are there set rules in relation to salary ranges and starting salaries?

Yes, Collective Agreements control rates of pay, salary schedules and movement through the ranges.

Exempt and Management Excluded positions follow the policies and practices set by the university.

Who can help if I have questions or concerns about salaries?

Your HR Advisor is here to support you if you have any questions or concerns about salaries. An HR Advisor can provide you with advice on interpreting an applicant’s resume and selecting a starting salary. 

Can I extend an offer above the minimum range if I have a candidate that has significantly higher qualifications relevant to the position?

In certain situations, you can. PEA, Exempt or Management Excluded provide some flexibility for higher salary amounts. Please reach out to your HR Advisor to discuss the rationale before you make a verbal or written offer.

When should I contact my HR Advisor?

You may contact your HR Advisor if you need clarification on:

  • CUPE appointments.
  • New appointments for PEA, Exempt or Management Excluded.
  • How to interpret the Collective Agreement.
  • Terms and conditions of employment.

What if I have two or more competitions fail due to the salary listed?

We can help you explore other options with your recruitment. Please contact your HR Advisor for assistance.

I have a hard-to-fill position and my potential candidate has been offered another job. This candidate would be a high performing, valued employee. Can I offer a higher salary?

There are some cases in which a market salary adjustment is possible.

A market adjustment would be an increase to the base pay. Please contact your HR Consultant if you believe your position requires a market adjustment.