
UVic Staffing Solutions

UVic Staffing Solutions provides casual, on-call administrative support staff to support UVic departments when they need it most. 

Meet your short-term needs

Do you have a vacation or sick leave to cover? Or do you need help with a special project? Fluctuating and short term projects don't always justify the hiring of temporary or regular staff. Casual staff allow for more flexibility in the workplace and can help augment your team in order to meet temporary operational demands.

Talented, qualified casual staff

Finding skilled casual staff to support your team can be a time consuming process. Through our service, you will have access to a casual pool including broad and diverse experience and skill sets. Our casuals have been interviewed, screened and reference checked to ensure we deliver your required qualifications.

How our services work

You submit a casual staff request form clearly detailing your needs. We select and assign the right casual from our pool to meet your needs and we take care of the administrative details, including payroll.

Please be advised that a $500 Finder’s Fee will apply for departments who direct appoint from our casual pool into a position within 90 days of their casual assignment start date.

Please email completed request form to

Managing your casual employee

Casual employees are often hired to backfill vacant positions, cover absences or provide extra support. When your casual employee starts, remember to:

  • introduce the casual employee to your team
  • ensure they are aware of emergency procedures and exits
  • advise them on their break entitlements and when they are to be taken
  • show them the washrooms, lunch rooms and any other spaces they will use or need to be aware of
  • orient them to your requirements and expectations of the assignment
  • remember to provide feedback

You will need to provision access for any necessary systems with your departmental Desktop Support person.  Remember to de-provision the casual employee at the end of the assignment by emailing .

Submitting timesheets

Casual staff are required to submit signed timesheets to Human Resources. The cut-off date for timesheet submission can fall a few days before the end of the pay-period. If the timesheet is not submitted before the due date, the casual employee may not be paid and you may have to pay a $50 charge for a manual cheque to be issued by Payroll.

Please note that we are able to make adjustments after a timesheet is submitted if the hours of work change. Keep a copy of the timesheets for your records as your department will be charged back via journal entry at the end of the month.