
University Systems help centre

Telephone service issues

To report issues with your telephone, email the Computer Help Desk at helpdesk@uvic.ca with the following details;

  • Phone local (telephone number);
  • Building and room number location of the affected phone;
  • A brief description of the problem; and
  • Your contact information (including an alternate phone number if your phone is out of service).

For assistance with Telephone Services, email the support contact below:

Item First Level Support
Add or delete a telephone local Network Services
Provide new telephone Technology Solutions Centre
Add, Change or Delete a telephone display name Computer Help Desk
Add, change or remove an Exchange account association for a telephone local Computer Help Desk
Add or remove a line from an existing local Network Services
Add or Delete a Telus Toll Free number University Systems General Office
Create a Telus Conference University Systems General Office
Billing inquiries University Systems General Office

Frequently asked questions

The following are some common phone issues that may be resolved by the client:

Why doesn't my phone have a dial tone?

Check that all connections are properly seated in the wall, in the phone and in the computer. If the phone does not reinitialize, try unplugging the connection at the back of the phone (ensure it’s the one that leads to the wall port). If the phone does not reinitialize, email switch@uvic.ca with the following details;

  • the local (phone number), building, and room number of the affected phone;
  • a brief description of the problem; and
  • your contact information (including an alternate phone number if your phone is out of service).

What do I do if my phone isn't ringing?

Check that the volume of your ring tone isn't set to the lowest volume. Locate the volume control button and adjust accordingly. Also ensure that you don't have call forwarding set. Your phone won't ring if you're fowarding all calls to another local or to voicemail.

Why do I get a "fast busy" tone whenever I call another UVic local?

The UVic local xxxx has set "call forward" to local yyyy, and local yyyy has set "call forward" to xxxx. This is a conflict, causing the telephone switch to not know where to route the caller. Contact the users xxxx and yyyy and have them deactivate the "call forward" feature.

What do I do if I am unable to dial a particular phone number?

It could be that the "class of service" configured for your phone prevents you from dialing the type of call you wish to make. If you have the correct "class of service" and the number still won't go through, it could be a network problem, in which case you should contact Network Services by emailing switch@uvic.ca or the Operator at 0.

Whenever I pick up the phone I hear a tone. Could it be a fax or modem?

If it is a fax machine calling, transfer the call to a UVic local that you know has a fax machine connected to it. This is done the next time you pick up your phone and hear the fax tone. If the transfer function doesn't work, then the tone could be from a modem, in which case you will have ignore the call.

Note: Many fax machines are configured to redial 7-10 times if the transmission has not been successful. The fax machine should have this parameter adjusted to 0 or 1. If a fax hasn't been transmitted, the problem is usually user or hardware related. It could be that the sender has an incorrect number or the receiving fax machine is not connected, out of paper, or is experiencing issues. These problems should be resolved after the first failed attempt rather than after 7-10 failed attempts.

You may also experience telephone performance issues (i.e. static) if your phone hasn't been cleaned in a while. For more information, see Best practices for cleaning your phone.