
2017 archives

December: Sacred spaces - Mapping tools help Coast Salish communities and Parks Canada protect ancestral sites
pdf | html | Brian Thom

November: Tiny things, big impact - Phytoplankton are helping us better understand past, present and future global ocean change
pdf | html | Diana Varela

October: The climate change realityWe need to prepare for the climate change we can’t avoid. Now.
pdf | html | Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions

September: Healthy ocean = Healthy communities Engaging BC's coastal communities in marine conservation is the path to a sustainable future
pdf | html | Nathalie Ban

June: The unseen injuryPublic awareness is essential to protect young athletes from the dangers of concussion
pdf | html | Brian Christie

May: Collateral damageMeasures to counter human trafficking often harm the very people they're supposed to help
pdf | html | Annalee Lepp

April: Drawing law from the landBlending Indigenous legal traditions with common law benefits all Canadians
pdf | html | John Borrows

March: On shaky ground - UVic-led research reveals a new earthquake risk lurking beneath the Victoria region
pdf | html | Kristin Morell

February: Guardians of the coast - Researchers and Indigenous communities work to protect BC’s iconic coastal wildlife
pdf | html | Chris Darimont

January: Phoenix at 50 - UVic's acclaimed theatre department celebrates 50 years of innovation, on stage and off
pdf | html | Allana Lindgren, Mary Kerr