
2013 archives

December: Do good, feel good — UVic students learn first-hand how helping others changes lives, including their own
pdf | html | Dr. Lara Lauzon

November: The bear facts... and more — Grizzly bear conservation is just one of many ways to apply the growing field of geomatics
pdf | html | Dr. Trisalyn Nelson

October: Tinkering with scholarship — UVic's Maker Lab in the Humanities
pdf | html | Maker Lab team

September: The biggest button blanket in the world
pdf | html | Dr. Carolyn Butler Palmer

June: Getting back in the game — With CanAssist's Accessible Gaming Controller
pdf | html | CanAssist

May: Growing new neurons to heal injured brains
pdf | html | Dr. Leigh Anne Swayne

April: Nature kindergarten — Researchers put popular nature kindergarten program to the test
pdf | html | Dr. Beverly Smith

March: Understanding Canada's thawing north
pdf | html | Dr. Michael Whiticar

February: Safe and sound — Helping foster parents care for babies born with prenatal drug and alcohol exposure
pdf | html | Dr. Lenora Marcellus

January: Nature's little blue gems — A UVic research team gets down to the genetic nitty gritty on why blueberries are good for us
pdf | html | Dr. Peter Constabel