
2008 archives

December: Shelter on wheels A UVic-community partnership leads to "shelter in a cart" for homeless "binners"
pdf | html | Jutta Gutberlet

November: Exercise for your mind — A clear link between exercise and brain health holds promise for the treatment of neurological disorders
pdf | html | Dr. Brian Christie

September: All in the family — Starting a family and staying fit shouldn’t be mutually exclusive
pdf | html | Ryan Rhodes

October: Scholar of the undeadUVic is home to one of Canada’s few scholars of the vampire myth in literature and film
pdf | html | Dr. Peter Golz

July: Going with the wind — Using wind as a viable source of energy is more than just a lot of hot air
pdf | html | Curran Crawford

June: Sea of concern — Does local seafood pose a health risk for Vancouver Island’s First Nations people?
pdf | html
 | Tom Child

May: Battling a silent menace — A UVic researcher leads the way in unravelling the molecular mysteries of syphilis
pdf | html | Dr. Caroline Cameron

April: Star struck — Studying the chemistry of distant stars offers tantalizing clues to our origins
pdf | html | Kim Venn

March: Cities for seniorsUVic research helps Saanich lead the way to an age-friendly future
pdf | html | Elaine Gallagher

February: From waves to wattage — UVic engineers explore a renewable energy source that's right on our doorstep
pdf | html | Afzal Suleman

January: Battle of the superbug — A UVic biochemist is hot on the trail of a new weapon in our war against a killer microbe
pdf | html | Alisdair Boraston