
2014 archives

December: Calling all couch potatoes - You can help a UVic researcher find out what it takes to become a habitual exerciser
pdf | html | Navin Kaushal

November: When it's time for "the talk" - Need help talking about sex with your kids? There's an app for that.
pdf | html | Jillian Roberts

October: Turning on the high beam - A new UVic-led particle physics facility will attract scientists from around the world
pdf | html | Dean Karlen

September: Staying behind the wheel - Enhanced safety and quality of life are goals of a Canada-wide study on older drivers
pdf | html | Holly Tuokko

June: Sounds like art - An unusual orchestral performance fuses science, environmentalism and art
pdf | html | Paul Walde

May: Face value - UVic researchers give children with autism a fun way to hone their social skills
pdf | html | Jim Tanaka

April: Metal matters - Tiny metal particles in the ocean are helping us answer some big environmental questions
pdf | html | Jay Cullen

March: Help from kelp - Can a seaweed common to the BC coast help us reduce carbon emissions?
pdf | html | Aaron Philippsen

February: A burning question - A UVic graduate student smokes out the facts on the health risks of e-cigarettes
pdf | html | Renee O'Leary

January: Reel life learning - UVic film production class takes experiential learning to a whole new level
pdf | html | Maureen Bradley