
2012 archives

December: Aquaculture 2.0 — A UVic geographer pioneers a "new" kind of aquaculture that mimics BC's coastal ecosystem
pdf | html | Dr. Steven Cross

November: Nanomedicine — Catch the whisper, head off the roar
pdf | html | Dr. Rustom Bhiladvala

October: Gardening in the city — A new urban agriculture magazine sprouts out of a UVic writing class
pdf | html | David Leach

September: Any way you slice it — A UVic team pioneers the next step in the ever-evolving information age
pdf | html | Yvonne Coady

June: Security games — Mega-events like the Olympics leave behind much more than fond memories
pdf | html | Colin Bennett

May: Shake, rattle and roll — A UVic geographer assesses earthquake hazard for Vancouver Island communities
pdf | html | Mark Seemann

April: Cells of hope — Stem cells hold tremendous promise for treating disease. But first we need to understand how they work
pdf | html | Dr. Stephanie Willerth

March: No clean path to clean tech — A UVic business prof charts the bumpy road to market acceptance of clean technologies
pdf | html | Charlene Zietsma

February: Wiretapping for whales — When BC's killer whales "talk," a UVic graduate student listens
pdf | html | Amalis Riera

January: On behalf of animals — It's time to shift our thinking on the legal status of animals, says a UVic law scholar
pdf | html | Maneesha Deckha