
2016 archives

December: Looking out for our heroes - UVic research helps first responders cope with the unique physical demands of their jobs
pdf | html | Lynneth Stuart-Hill

November: Cyber safe - UVic cyber-security researchers aim to stay one step ahead of computer hackers
pdf | html | Issa Traoré

October: Snowpack science - The interplay of temperature and snow in the mountains has a huge impact on our lives
pdf | html | Terry Prowse

September: Golden opportunities - We use gold for jewelry, tooth fillings and Olympic medals—and soon for Zika detection
pdf | html | Alex Brolo

June: Extreme thinking - Science is closer to linking some weather-related disasters to human-caused climate change
pdf | html | Francis Zwiers

May: Why we need the ocean - UVic research probes the critical link between the ocean and climate change
pdf | html | Roberta Hamme

April: Weather watchers - Who knows more about northern weather than the people most affected by it?
pdf | html | David Atkinson

March: Too much information - How do we make sense of the vast amounts of data on how our brains work?
pdf | html | Farouk Nathoo

February: Out of the darkness - Why do some people succeed in addictions treatment, while others fail?
pdf | html | Karen Urbanoski

January: From headline to centre stage - A renowned UVic playwright probes the issues and emotions behind real-life headlines
pdf | html | Joan MacLeod