
2005 archives

Dying for a ride homeTeens know the tragic realities of drinking and driving. So why do they still do it?
pdf Dr. Bonnie Leadbeater

Explorers of the deepInnovative marine technology developed by UVic engineers will help us all become ocean explorers
pdf Colin Bradley

Is the universe unfolding as it should?Yes, it is— in the sky and on a computer screen near you
pdf Dr. Julio Navarro

Is aboriginal knowledge science?Yes it is, say two UVic researchers who are helping to reshape the science curriculum in B.C. schools
pdf Lorna Williams and Gloria Snively

DNA detectivesA genetic structure you've probably never heard of is the key to new disease treatments
pdf Dr. Juan Ausió

Improving your access to health careUVic research leads to the creation of B.C.'s first nurse practitioners
pdf Marjorie MacDonald and Rita Schreiber

Climate controlWhen it comes to regulating Earth’s climate, big things really do come in small packages
pdf Dr. Diana Varela

Taking aim at cancerImproving the accuracy of radiation therapy is the goal of a UVic physicist
pdf Dr. Andrew Jirasek

Global warningA UVic research team tracks the effects of climate change in Canada's warming Arctic
pdf Terry Prowse

Keeping you in the driver's seatOngoing studies investigate safety and fitness issues for seniors who drive
pdf Holly Tuokko

Helping handsUVic researchers help tsunami victims turn to nature to rebuild their shattered lives
pdf Dr. Philip Dearden