
2010 archives

December: Life's a ballThere's more going on at Victoria's Ogden Point breakwater than meets the eye
pdf | html | Valerie Mucciarelli

November: "It changed my life forever"...As it turns out, intensely happy and uplifting childhood memories can do just that
pdf | html | Dr. Daniel Scott

October: 21st-century explorersA UVic research team helps pioneer the next generation of scientific ocean expeditions
html | Dr. Verena Tunnicliffe

September: Opening doors to IslamA UVic historian takes Western scholarship to the heart of the Islamic world
pdf | html | Dr. Andrew Rippin

July/August: Cougar TrackerA UVic project aims to reduce human-cougar conflict on Vancouver Island's west coast
pdf | html | Dani Thompson

June: A bitter pill to swallowTaking too many medications may be putting your health at risk
pdf | html | Dr. Peter Stephenson

May: Using our WITSVictoria's innovative anti-bullying program is about to go national
pdf | html | Bonnie Leadbeater

April: Predicting the unpredictableMathematics can help us make sense of the complex and sometimes destructive forces of nature
html | Dr. Florin Diacu

March: Better off aliveThe only hope for many endangered species is to show they're more valuable alive
pdf | html | Dr. Phil Dearden

February: The green challengeUVic ingenuity drives award-winning entry in North American green car competition
pdf | html | ecoCAR team

January: Health care at your fingertipsA new web-based tool empowers diabetes patients—and saves health care money.
pdf | html | Dr. Angela Downey