
2015 archives

December: Once they were hats - A new book examines our relationship with Canada’s buck-toothed national symbol
pdf | html | Frances Backhouse

November: Mobilizing a cellular army - Research that uses our own immune systems to battle cancer is heading for clinical trials
pdf | html | Brad Nelson

October: Reaching for the stars - UVic know-how is helping world astronomers peer more closely into the cosmos
pdf | html | Kim Venn, Masen Lamb

September: Grow old along with me... - Detecting the earliest signs of dementia is the first step in finding ways to slow it down
pdf | html | Scott Hofer

June: The orca revolution - A UVic historian tracks the impact of this iconic species on our regional identity
pdf | html | Jason Colby

May: The power of proteins - Keeping you healthy is a top goal of world-leading protein research at UVic
pdf | html | Christoph Borchers

April: The silent epidemic - Research suggests different approaches are needed for suicide prevention in the schools
pdf | html | Jennifer White

March: Beneath the waves - A UVic-led study uses advanced 3D mapping to assess the impact of shipping noise
pdf | html | Rosaline Canessa

February: Cancer detectives - UVic research discovers a promising new way to detect lung cancer
pdf | html | Reuven Gordon, Fraser Hof

January: Shopping for answers - Canadian retailers are not as affected by cross-border shopping as you might think
pdf | html | Jen Baggs