
Leaves and vacation

Leave eligibility and vacation allotments depend on your classification.

CUPE 917


Years Entitlement
First Year 10 days
Second year 15 days
Year 3 16 days
Year 4 17 days
Year 5 18 days
Year 6 19 days
Year 7 20 days
Year 8 21 days
Year 9 22 days
Year 10 23 days
Year 11 24 days
Year 12 25 days
Year 13 26 days
Year 14 27 days
Year 15 28 days
Year 16 29 days
Year 17 and beyond 30 days
  • Maximum allowable carry forward is 10 days.
  • See collective agreement for term employee entitlements.

Long service vacation

After 15 years of continuous service, regular continuing staff earn 22 working days.

Sick leave

Regular full time employees accrue 1.25 sick days per month (maximum 15 per year)

Employees, if eligible may use up to 3 personal sick days per year for illness of a dependent

Other eligible leaves

  • Bereavement and compassionate: Leave up to five days for the death of a close family member. One day to attend a funeral or memorial of a close personal friend or university employee.
  • Emergency leave:  Up to one day for a serious household or domestic emergency.
  • Maternity leave: Leave for birth of employee's child.
  • Parental leave: Leave for either parent for birth or adoption of child.
  • Personal leave without pay: Unpaid leave for personal reasons.
  • Jury and witness services: Leave to serve as a jury member or witness in a court action.

For more details on any of the above, please see your collective agreement

See collective agreement for term employee entitlements.

CUPE 951


Years Entitlement
First Year 10 days
2 through 4 15 days
Year 5 16 days
Year 6 17 days
Year 7 18 days
Year 8 20 days
Year 9 21 days
Year 10 22 days
Year 11 23 days
Year 12 24 days
Year 13 24 days
Year 14 24 days
Year 15 24 days
Year 16 24 days
Year 17 24 days
Year 18 24 days
Year 19 24 days
20 and beyond 30 days
  • Regular employees must take a minimum of 10 working days’ vacation, and, with the prior approval of their department heads, may carry over any portion of an annual vacation entitlement
    in excess of 10 working days from 1 calendar year to the next. No carryover of unused
    vacation entitlement may exceed 15 working days, except by agreement of the parties in
    unusual circumstances. 
  • See collective agreement for term employee entitlements.

Long service vacation

After 15 years of continuous service, regular continuing staff earn 22 working days.

Sick leave

Regular full-time employees accrue 1.25 sick days per month (maximum 15 per year).

Employees, if eligible, may use up to three personal sick days per year for illness of a dependent.

Other eligible leaves

  • Compassionate: Leave up to five days for the death of a close family member. One day to attend a funeral or memorial of a close personal friend or university employee.
  • Emergency leave: Up to one day for a serious household or domestic emergency.
  • Maternity leave: Leave for birth of employee's child.
  • Parental leave: Leave for either parent for birth or adoption of child.
  • Personal leave without pay: Unpaid leave for personal reasons.
  • Court appearance: Leave to serve as a jury member or witness in a court action.

For more details on any of the above and for term employee entitlements, please see collective agreement.

Exempt support staff


Years Entitlement
First Year 10 days
2 through 4 15 days
Year 5 16 days
Year 6 17 days
Year 7 18 days
Year 8 20 days
Year 9 21 days
Year 10 22 days
Year 11 23 days
Year 12 24 days
Year 13 and beyond 25 days
  • Maximum allowable carry forward is 10 days.

Special leave

Five days per calendar year.

Term employees less than one year are not eligible for special leave.

Long service vacation

After 15 years of continuous service, regular continuing staff earn 22 working days.

Sick leave

Regular full time employees accrue 1.25 sick days per month (maximum 15 per year).

Other eligible leaves

  • Bereavement leave: Up to five days for the death of close family member.
  • Compassionate leave for dependent or emergency situations:  Serious events beyond your control. Please discuss with supervisor and/or Human Resources.
  • Maternity leave: Leave for birth of employee's child.
  • Parental leave: Leave for either parent for birth or adoption of child.
  • Personal leave without pay: Unpaid leave for personal reasons.
  • Leave for court and tribunal appearances: Leave to serve as a jury member or witness in a court action.

Management excluded staff


Years Entitlement
First Year 22 days
2 through 5 22 days
6 through 10 24 days
11 through 15 27 days
16 through 20 28 days
21 and beyond 29 days
  • Maximum allowable carry forward is 10 days with supervisor approval.

Special leave

Five days per calendar year.

Term employees less than one year are not eligible for special leave.

Sick leave

Paid sick leave is designed to insure employees against the impact of unanticipated illnesses that necessitate short-term absences from work.

Any employee unable to report for work as a result of an illness must notify their supervisor a the earliest opportunity. For more details please see your terms and conditions of employment.

Other eligible leaves

  • Compassionate leave: Serious illness or death of a close family member, spouse, partner or friend.
  • Maternity leave: Leave for birth of employee's child.
  • Parental leave: Leave for either parent for birth or adoption of child.
  • Personal leave without pay: Unpaid leave for personal reasons.
  • Leave for court and tribunal appearances: Leave to serve as a jury member or witness in a court action.

For more information please see your terms and conditions of employment.

Vacation and Special Leave Guidelines



Years Entitlement
First year Prorated based on 22 days per year
2-5 22 days
6 through 10 24 days
11 through 15  27 days
16 through 20 28 days
21 years onward  29 days
  • Maximum allowable carry forward is 40 days.
  • For term staff, vacation entitlement is fifteen (15) working days per year. Term staff members who work continuously for more than one (1) year, will earn and be credited with, vacation as outlined above.
  • These entitlements will be pro-rated for part- time and/or part-year service.


Other eligible leaves

  • Compassionate: Leave for the death or severe illness of a close family member, partner, spouse or close friend.
  • Compassionate care: Leave to care for gravely ill family member, partner, spouse or close friend.
  • Sick leave: Leave for personal illness. See collective agreement for details.
  • Maternity leave: Leave for birth of employee's child.
  • Parental leave: Leave for either parent for birth or adoption of child.
  • Personal leave without pay: Unpaid leave for personal reasons.
  • Jury and witness leave: Leave to serve as a jury member or witness in a court action.
  • Professional development leave: Salary supported professional development leave for those who qualify.

For more details on any of the above, please see your collective agreement

Leave without pay

  • During a period of approved leave without pay (other than maternity/parental leave), you may continue any or all of your UVic benefits by assuming their total cost, including the UVic contributions.
  • Contributions may be paid in advance or on the normal monthly basis.
  • Residents who will be absent from B.C. for six months or more in a calendar year, need to contact Health Insurance BC to confirm continued eligibility and discuss options for continued MSP coverage that may be available during an absence.

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