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Policies and agreements

It is a condition of employment that members of the UVic community be aware of, and act in accordance with, relevant policies and procedures of the university. University-level policies are housed on the University Secretary (USEC) website.

Other policies

Recently approved policies

Policies under development

  • Policy on Non-remunerated Academic Appointments (new)
  • Course releases and buy-outs (new)
  • Procedures for the Appointment and Re-Appointment of Deans (GV0450)
  • Terms and Conditions for Deans
  • Terms and Conditions for Associate Deans

Provide your feedback

Sept. 16, 2024 The Policy on Non-remunerated Academic Appointments will proceed to the Board of Governors for approval this fall. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

*required Indicates required field.

Faculty evaluation

As per the Collective Agreement, each faculty has a Faculty Evaluation Policy (FEP) for the evaluation of the work of faculty members. Contact your Dean's office for more information.

Unit standards

Each academic unit has a written Unit Standard setting out expectations for academic responsibilities and the distribution of assigned duties of faculty members. Contact your Chair/Director's office for more information.

Academic service agreements

Independent contractors may be hired to perform a variety of academic services including the development and/or delivery of credit or non-credit courses, seminars and workshops. The following outlines the process for determining the employment relationship and contracting for academic services.

The determination of whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor depends on the nature of the relationship established with the university. This determination should be made before the work has begun as it has significant implications for the university and the worker, including the assessment of taxes, CPP, EI, Worksafe coverage, labour standards, liability and ownership of intellectual property. It is therefore very important that the correct determination be made.

If a worker who is determined to have an employment relationship with the university is paid as an independent contractor without statutory deductions then the university and the worker are both at risk of re-assessment by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). This is especially problematic if the independent contractor is already a UVic employee. Any assessment costs will be passed on to the department hiring the worker.

The following documents have been developed to aid decision making and to provide clarity on processes:

The Services Agreement forms are only to be used when the individual providing the service is determined to be an independent contractor, not an employee.

An employee cannot also be a contractor concurrently. If the individual is currently an employee of the university, they must be paid using a payroll form. These forms can be found on the Financial Services website.

Determining a worker's correct status can be complex. If you are still uncertain after reviewing the above documents, please contact Faculty Relations (fra@uvic.ca) for questions related to Academic Services.

The UVic signing authority for the Services Agreement shall determine whether the independent contractor is required to possess their own Commercial General Liability insurance and whether it is at the University's or the contractor's cost. This is expected when contracting for higher risk services (e.g., off-campus teaching/research, use of dangerous substances, etc.). The insurance requirement must be stated in the Services Agreement. For assistance in determining the appropriate insurance requirements based on risk, contact bmcallis@uvic.ca.

Contractors do not require workers compensation coverage, but must indemnify the university against liability in the services contract. Registration is available through . If a contractor is registered, their Worksafe BC number should be shown on the contract.

If the individual providing the academic service has been determined to be an independent contractor, the Services Agreement for Academic Services must be filled out and submitted to the Chair/Dean/VPAC as required by the Signing Authority Policy (FM5100) for approval. The following documentation must be included in the request for approval:

Approved Service Agreements must be submitted electronically to Faculty Relations and Academic Administration at fraasec@uvic.ca.


An honorarium is a small token payment intended to be a gesture of appreciation to an individual volunteering service to UVic. It is not a payment intended to compensate an individual for their time or expense. Examples of appropriate activities for which an honorarium can be issued are a guest speaker or lecture given by a non-employee, assistance for support activities at a special event or as a research study participant.