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Micro-certificates recognize short-duration, competency-based learning opportunities, that align with labour market or community needs and can be assessed and recognized for employment or further learning opportunities.

Featured micro-certificates

Digital Planning for the Cultural Sector (approved October 4, 2023)

  • Faculty of Fine Arts
  • Division of Continuing Studies


  • Credit learners must meet the admission requirements at the 番茄社区
  • Though not required, current or prior experience in a cultural organization is recommended for success in this program. It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure they can complete all assignments and contribute meaningfully to all discussions by drawing from their experience.

Program Course Requirements

Digital Planning for the Cultural Sector (AHVS 488N) - 1.5 units

Pathway Application

This micro-certificate course (AHVS 488N) is an elective for the following programs:

  • Diploma in Cultural Resource Management
  • Professional Specialization Certificate in Collections Management
  • Professional Specialization Certificate in Visitor and Community Engagement

It may also be included as an approved elective for the Minor in Museum Studies or MC in Public History.

Laddering into any subsequent degree, diploma or certificate will require a formal admission assessment to the 番茄社区.

Indigenous Cultural Management (approved October 4, 2023)

  • Faculty of Fine Arts
  • Division of Continuing Studies


  • Credit learners must meet the admission requirements at the 番茄社区
  • Though not required, current or prior experience in a cultural organization is recommended for success in this program. It is the responsibility of the participant to ensure they can complete all assignments and contribute meaningfully to all discussions by drawing from their experience.

Program Course Requirements

Indigenous Cultural Stewardship (AHVS 488I) - 1.5 units

Pathway Application

This micro-certificate course (AHVS 488N) is an elective for the following programs:

  • Diploma in Cultural Resource Management
  • Professional Specialization Certificate in Collections Management
  • Professional Specialization Certificate in Visitor and Community Engagement

It may also be included as an approved elective for the Minor in Museum Studies or MC in Public History.

Laddering into any subsequent degree, diploma or certificate will require a formal admission assessment to the 番茄社区.

Indigenous Language Documentation (approved October 4, 2023)

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Division of Continuing Studies


This program is accessible and open to all adult learners. It will offer a low-barrier admission process providing learners an accessible pathway to postsecondary, with no transcripts required. Learners will apply directly through the program, with priority given to Indigenous learners who have a demonstrated commitment or connection to language revitalization.

Program Course Requirements

Documentation and Recording for Indigenous Language Reclamation (LING 183A) - 1.5 units

Indigenous Language Documentation Capstone (LING 183B) - 1.5 units

Working with Existing Indigenous Language Documentation (LING 188) - 1.5 units

Pathway Application

This micro-certificate will ladder directly into the Certificate in Indigenous Language Revitalization. The three required courses would satisfy one of the core course requirements plus two electives of the 8-course certificate. It also ladders into other Indigenous Language Revitalization programs in the Faculty of Education.

Laddering into any subsequent degree, diploma or certificate will require a formal admission assessment to the 番茄社区.

Professional Communications in the Workplace (approved June 27, 2024)

  • Faculty of Humanities
  • Division of Continuing Studies


As a credit program, students must either meet the undergraduate admission requirements at the 番茄社区 and complete the pre-requites for the required courses or, professional learners entering the micro-certificate will be required to submit an application that will be assessed for prior learning or professional experience equivalent to pre-requisites for program’s 300-level courses.

Applications for professional learners entering the program will be vetted by DCS and the Professional Communication Adviser. Applicants in this category will be required to share their academic history, provide a current CV demonstrating their professional background in relation to the field, and articulate their goals/intentions for accessing the program.

Program Course Requirements

Copy Editing (ENSH 302) - 1.5 units

Writing for Business and the Private Sector (ENSH 303) - 1.5 units

Writing for Government and the Public Sector (ENSH 304) - 1.5 units

Pathway Application

The courses in the Professional Communication in the Workplace Micro-credential can be applied towards:

As an elective:

  • Program: All UVic students can take ENSH 302, 303 and/or 304 as Humanities electives. ENSH 302 is a listed course for the General and Minor in Professional Writing in Journalism and Publishing.
    • Restriction/Limits: Dependent on number of Humanities electives permitted in individual programs.

As a required course:

  • Program: ENSH 302: required course in Professional Communication Minor
    • Pathway: ENSH 302, 303 and 304 count towards the 9 300- or 400-level credits needed for the Professional Communication Minor. Students majoring in English can also count up to two Professional Communication courses towards their degree program.

Laddering into any subsequent degree, diploma or certificate will require a formal admission assessment to the 番茄社区.

Visit the for additional micro-certificates.

In 2023, Senate approved an update to the Establishment of Certificate and Diploma Programs policy (AC1135) to include micro-certificate programs. Academic units interested in creating a new micro-credential should visit our Create, revise or discontinue an academic program page.