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Access your Pro-D funds

Visit the training page for professional development and grant opportunities, including those related to teaching.

UVic provides assistance to faculty and librarians to support their learning, development, knowledge and job-related skills. Funds are calculated by VPAC and allocated at the beginning of each academic year (July 1).

Use of Pro-D funds

Instructional and research programs of the university are the primary beneficiaries of Pro-D expenses and should align with the faculty member’s or librarian’s work, research or area of study.

Common types of expenses that are frequently pre-approved include:

  • Books and subscriptions
  • Equipment used in teaching, research and scholarly activities, including computer hardware and software and safety equipment*
  • Memberships in learned societies and professional organizations
  • Attendance at conferences, workshops, seminars or meetings
  • Research services or publication fees related to current research

* All property, including computers, equipment, furniture or other physical assets, purchased using Pro-D funds becomes and remains property of the university. Upon retirement, resignation or termination of employment, the faculty member or librarian can offer to purchase the property from the university at its then fair market value.

Refer to the policy HR6410 for additional information on proposed expenses up to retirement or resignation and for procedures on claiming remaining funds. 

Training unrelated to the faculty member or librarian’s work, research or area of study would be considered a taxable benefit by CRA and would not be an eligible use of Pro-D funds.

Accessing Pro-D funds

  • Proposed use of funds are discussed with the faculty member or librarian's appropriate approver prior to expenditure and are evaluated based on whether it will benefit the university
  • Expenses must be pre-approved by the appropriate approver based on the information in policy HR6410
  • The professional expense pre-approval for faculty and librarians form is used to document the pre-approval and a copy is attached to each claim for reimbursement

  • Reimbursement for business or travel expenses can be claimed using the expense management system or by completing paper travel or business expense reimbursement forms
  • Ensure that all supporting paperwork is attached to the expense report, including completed pre-approval forms

  • Computers or software can be purchased directly through Purchasing Services from the applicable vendor using a web requisition instead of claiming reimbursement
  • To use your Pro-D funds:
    1. Make your WebReq as usual and include delivery address, quote attachments, and commodity items
    2. Add the first and last name of the person whose Pro-D funds are being used in the comment field at the top of the WebReq
    3. Save the WebReq and click submit
    4. In the Send to a Department drop down menu, select the entry PROD Computers
    5. Financial Services will check your Pro-D funds, complete the FAST coding and forward along for additional approval as required
  • Additional information: University Systems website