
Zoom reports

Audiovisual and multimediaMedia Services

As a meeting host, you can sign in to the to retrieve meeting reports. Reports are not available until the meeting is closed, and you may need to wait up to 30 minutes for the data to be available.

There are two report types available, Usage and Meeting.  Usage reports are helpful for determining attendance, Meeting reports provide information about polls.  

To access the reports, sign in to the  at .  Select Reports, and for attendance reports, go to Usage; for poll results, go to Meeting.


Attendance Reports

In the Usage report, select the date range you want and click Search.

date range

Click on the link showing the number of participants in that meeting to view details.


You can view the report and optionally export it to a CSV file. Note that breakout sessions and time spent in the waiting room result in separate entries for each person, which is why you may see multiple entries for one person, as shown in the last three rows below, outlined in green.  If you choose an option - either with meeting data or show unique users - that option is what will export.


The option "show unique users" combines all instances of a person's name and shows their total minutes participating in the meeting.

Use the Export button to download the information you want.

Note that in the Attendance report, users who have not signed in to their UVic Zoom account will not have an entry under "User Email".

Poll Results

In the Meeting reports, change the Report Type to Poll Report and set your date range. Click Search.


Click Generate beside the meeting instance for which you want to get poll results.  In your Report Queue, a CSV file will be created for you to download and review.


Video Training

For more information, watch our Zoom Training series video on Zoom reports: 


Do you still have questions about Zoom?

 If you would like to arrange for a targeted training session for your administrative unit please email us at uvicav@uvic.ca.

 offers extensive self-paced online training.