
Fact sheets

Understanding UVic’s Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy and the different options available to address concerns of sexualized violence can feel overwhelming. At the same time, it’s important that everyone at UVic has clear information on their rights and responsibilities under the policy. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to reach out for a confidential consultation. You may also want to review our series of information fact sheets.

Know your rights

Regardless of whether someone is a survivor, complainant, person alleged to have caused harm or respondent the Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy outlines your rights when you participate in a process.

A quick resource to learning more about your rights under the policy can be found in the following documents:

Voluntary Resolution Process (VRP)

Understanding a Voluntary Resolution Process (VRP) provides a sense of what a VRP is, how it begins, what it could involve and how it could end.


For any requests for confidential advice, questions about the policy, support options, voluntary resolution process or the investigation process please call us 250-721-8021 or email to book a virtual or in-person appointment with the Sexualized Violence Resource Office.