
Education and workshops

Students standing up and placing post-it notes on a window.

There is a range of online and in person workshops and/or initiatives aimed at preventing and responding to sexualized violence at UVic, including:

Tools for Change: Preventing Sexualized Violence at UVic

Equity and Human Rights (EQHR) offers an in person workshop to students that is interactive and skill-based. The workshop provides useful and relevant information as well as practical skills for preventing and responding to sexualized violence. Tools for Change is great for anyone who wants to learn more and be part of the conversation on this topic at UVic.

Starting the Conversation: Preventing and Responding to Sexualized Violence at UVic a Training for Staff and Faculty

This training comes in the form of a webinar or in person workshop. It provides university staff with information about how to identify sexualized violence, how to respond to a disclosure, where to get support, the UVic Sexualized Violence and Prevention Policy, and importantly, how to prevent sexualized violence. The live webinar provides important prevention and response information, which is paired with a learning package that groups can use independently to deepen their learning. The in person workshop is interactive, with a mix of images, films, and discussions aimed at gaining a deeper insight into this important workplace concern. Participants will leave both with practical advice and sentence starts for what to do when confronted by sexual harassment or behaviour that appears to “cross the line”. 

Social and Professional Competency Training

This 2-hour training is designed to increase graduate student and teaching assistant’s understanding and sense of responsibility in regard to UVic’s Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy and Discrimination and Harassment Policy.

Spotlight on Inclusion

A 1.75 hour in-person program designed for the unique circumstances of the performing arts including the prevention and response to sexualized violence as well as discrimination and harassment (for actors, stage crew, and directors). 

This consent workshop is intended to provide folks with the information, skills and opportunity to understand and practice consent. Through activities and discussion, facilitators and participants will bust myths about sexualized violence and gender, explore the concept of rape culture and learn about consent (what it is, why it’s required, how to practice it).

This  workshop will cover the very important differences between support, disclosure and reporting, and provide some foundations for supporting survivors of sexualized violence. Facilitators will discuss different approaches and tools that can be used when supporting someone, including: active listening, believing survivors, busting myths, showing empathy and making referrals.

The Men’s Circle at UVic is a space where men and masculine-identified folks, including (but not limited to!) transmasculine, genderqueer, and non-binary folks, can meet to:

  • Connect with others with similar and shared identities
  • Learn about the systems and structures which uphold gender-based violence
  • Share lived experiences and stories
  • Work on strategies for dismantling and challenging gender-based violence, dominant constructions of masculinity, and other structures of oppression on campus and in the larger community

Campus Security Services

Campus Security offers workshops on topics including: How to Diffuse Difficult Clients; Tactical Communications; Active Threat; and Emergency Preparedness.

Contact the personal safety coordinators to book one of these workshops.