

Two individuals walking on a campus pathway.

The Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy (GV0245) is a result of extensive consultations with students, staff, and faculty members on campus, as well as off-campus community organizations with an expertise in sexualized violence. It is also the result of hundreds of hours of effort on the part of a diverse, 24-member working group. It is comprehensive in scope and reflective of the needs and interests of a wide group of stakeholders.

The 番茄社区 implemented its Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response Policy following a year of broad consultation and extensive research. It was created out of the recognition that sexualized violence is a pervasive problem both on and off campus and that the university has an important role to play in both preventing and responding to sexualized violence.

The Sexualized Violence Resource Office (SVRO) ensures that the University community responds to incidents of sexualized violence in a trauma-informed and survivor-centred manner. This includes ensuring that all people, regardless of their sex, gender, sexual orientation, racial or ethnic background, religious affiliation, immigrant status, socio-economic status, ability status, and position within the University structure, can access meaningful information and support.

You can review some of the highlights in our policy background, definitions, options and fact sheets.

Working group

The working group developed the policy from the perspective that each person’s experience of sexualized violence will be affected by many factors including: sex, sexual identity, gender identity and expression; Indigenous, racial or ethnic background; language barriers, ability, faith, age, socio-economic status, their position within university structures, hierarchies and power relations. As well, sexualized violence does not exist or operate in a vacuum. Acts of sexualized violence can also be acts of colonial violence, racism, sexism, classism, ableism, homophobia and/or transphobia. The working group identified three broad categories for a comprehensive sexualized violence policy framework including a focus on:

  1. Education and prevention efforts that are coordinated across the campus with consistent messaging including three phases:
    • pre-arrival exercises and information
    • continuing and enhancing on-campus orientation programs
    • continuing and enhancing ongoing education.
  2. Support for survivors and those who have experienced sexualized violence that is coordinated across campus through a central office and which incorporates survivor-centred and trauma-informed approaches.
  3. Investigation and adjudication that is transparent, fair and uses accountable procedures, which are clearly explained to students, staff, and faculty.
If you have questions or concerns about the Policy, including questions about your rights and options under the policy, or if you wish to make a disclosure and/or report, please call the Sexualized Violence Resource Line (250) 721-8021 or email