
Contact us

If you would like to make a confidential disclosure and/or explore filing a formal report with the purpose of initiating an investigation, please call the Sexualized Violence Resource Office at  250-721-8021.

You can also reach out directly to:

Sam Lall
Case Management Officer

If you have questions or concerns about the sexualized violence policy, the Sexualized Violence Resource Office, or our educational offerings please contact:

Leah Shumka
Director, Human Rights

Emergency contacts

I need... Call For
Immediate assistance for a safety or medical incident 9 1 1 Emergency assistance from ambulance or fire/police departments
On-campus secuirty concerns and first aid 250-721-7599  (24-hour service)
A security escort to walk safely between campus buildings or to my vehicle 250-721-7599 SafeWalk (a 24-hour service of )
To talk to someone immediately (e.g. due to an emotional crisis or thoughts of suicide) 1-888-494-3888
Assistance or information about sexual assault or sexual abuse (women & trans* people) 250-383-3232
Support to heal from the effects of trauma (men) 250-381-6367