
Investigation Process

Investigation, adjudication, and appeal procedures for students

The policy outlines the process that UVic will follow to investigate and adjudicate allegations that a student has violated the policy. The procedures also describe how UVic will impose sanctions, and the appeal process following sanctions.

Investigation, adjudication, and appeal procedures for staff and faculty

Staff and faculty interested in learning more about the procedures that apply to them should connect with the Sexualized Violence Resource Office for information as collective agreements have a bearing on the procedures.

For detailed information, we have included process maps that outline the process from investigation through to application of either minor or major sanctions on the fact sheets.

For any requests for confidential advice, questions about the policy, support options, voluntary resolution process or the investigation process please call us 250-721-8021 or email to book a virtual or in-person appointment. You are welcome to bring a support person to any meeting. In the case of faculty or staff, this may include a colleague or union steward.