
Past activities

Eiffel Tower
Photo credit to kokorowashinjin

The 番茄社区 has established itself as the hub of European Union studies on the west coast of Canada and is one of the top universities with an EU program in Canada. In recognition of this, the EU awarded 5 Jean Monnet grants to UVic to engage students, scholars and the policy community on a diverse set of issues related to the recent EU migration crisis.

From 2016-2019 UVic's European Studies program will enhance the integration of research and education by implementing new graduate courses on EU migration and border policies (EUS 490, fall 2017); a graduate summer field school on memory, migration and xenophobia (GS 501, summer 2017); numerous research and experiential learning grants (e.g. Model EU each February); lecture series, public forums, international conferences and workshops; plus a suite of online learning platforms including databases (BC high school curriculum) and open online courses (EUS 490).

The European Studies program, in conjunction with the EUCE  and the Jean Monnet Action Program, has hosted numerous conference, lecures, workshops, symposiums, and activities for students, like the West Coast Model EU in Seattle, and the EU study tour.


Past conferences

The EUS at UVic, in conjunction with other programs and departments, has organized and supported many conferences over the years. 

Past lectures

The EUS at UVic, in conjunction with other programs and departments, has organized and supported many lectures over the years. 

Past workshops and symposiums

The EUS at UVic, in conjunction with other programs and grants, has hosted and supported many workshops and symposiums. 

Past outreach and education

The at UVic has been involved in several outreach and education programs aimed at both secondary and post secondary students. 

The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, in partnership with the Univeristy of Victoria and other Canadian Institutions, continues to fund visiting lecturers and outreach initiatives that appeal to undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral students.


2017: City Talk Series

2017: City Talks Series

The Jean Monnet EU Centre at UVic and City Talks brought speakers with European perspectives to Victoria to contribute to the established City Talks series. Details and videos can be found at .






26 October

Anton Tantner
Lecturer, Department of History, University of Vienna

The Political Life of Numbers: The History of House Numbering in European Cities

City Talks and the Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence

30    November  

Emilia Palonen
Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki

Space of Passions: Populism and the Politics of "Us" in the Urban Streetscapes of Europe

City Talks and the Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence

2017 Fall lectures





8 November    

Dr. Ambroise Kom
University of Toronto

Xenophobia and Identity in France: The Case of the French banlieues

Lecture notice

UVIC's Department of French, Department of History, European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE), European Studies Program (EUS), Interdisciplinary Program in Cultural, Social and Political Thought (CSPT), The Unesco Chair in Community Based Research and Social responsibility in Higher Education. 

2017 Spring lectures





10 April 2017


David Turpin Building (DTB) A110

Dr. Martin Klatt
University of Southern Denmark

Brexit, Right-wing Populism, Migration:
The re-bordering of Europe from a border region perspective

Event notice

Borders in Globalization
Centre for Global Studies

6 Mar 2017

13:00 - 14:00

David Strong (DSB) C128

Dr. Raoul Delcorde
Ambassador of Belgium to Canada

From ISIS to Ukraine, the challenges facing the EU and Belgium.
The international situation today and the perspective ahead of us.
Lecture notice  

Centre for Global Studies

24 Feb 2017

15:00 - 16:30

BEC 363

Thierry Warin, HEC Montreal

Reducing Systemic Risk in Europe: is the "banking union" a big enough step?

Host: Paul Schure

European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE)

26 Jan 2017

16:30 - 18:00

David Strong C108

European Commission


Centre for Global Studies,

Ocean Networks Canada

2014-2016: EUCE Lecture Series

European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE) Lecture Series at UVic

During the 2014-2016 EU Lecture series the participating units were: the Centre for Global Studies (CFGS), the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, the Department of Economics, the Department of Political Science, the European Studies Program, the Faculty of Law, the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, and the School of Public Administration.

2012: Anne Burrill, "Environment Policy in Europe"

Anne Burrill, EU Visiting Fellow from Jackson School, University of Washington, came to the University of Washington on January 27th, 2012 as a lecturer on 'Environment Policy in Europe'. Anne Burrill is part of the European Commssion as a Directorate General for Environment.

See the pdf version of her lecture.

2011: Ian Kilbey, "Interpreting the Power to Impose Financial Penalties upon Member States"

Ian Kilbey, lecturer at De Monfort University, gave a talk on September 20th, 2011, where he discussed the use of financial penalties under Article 260 TFUE to ensure the compliance of EU Member States with EU law. He also explored how the Maastricht Treaty, created in 1992, has been interpreted by the European Commission and the Court of Justice of the European Union.


2011: Dr. Anthony Lappin, "Arabs and Spain: 711 and all that"

On October 20th, 2011, the Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies presented a free & open to the public lecture by Dr. Anthony Lappin from the School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures at the University of Manchester. See the poster.

2010: Erik Aerts, "No Public Exchange Banks in Flanders and Brabant (1400-1800)"

On March 10th, 2010, Erik Aerts, Katholieke University, came to UVic to give a lecture explaining the absence of public banks in the Southern Low Countries from 1400 to 1800. This talk was sponsored by the Jean Monnet Centre Ad Personam.

2010: Karel Kovanda, "New Face of the EU"

Sponsored by the Jean Monnet Centre Ad Personam, this talk was given by Karel Kovanda, Deputy Director General in the Directorate General for External Relations (DG Relex), on March 10th, 2010.

2010: Irene Sacristan, "What the Lisbon Treaty means for the European Union"

This talk was given by Irene Sacristan, University of Washington, on March 15th 2010. Sacristan is a lawyer who has been extensively involved in the European Commission, specifically in the field of drug regulation, policy and legislative initiatives.

2010: Hans Vollaard, "Euroscepticism in the Netherlands"

On March 23rd, 2010, Hans Vollaard, Leiden University, gave a talk about the euroscepticism in the Netherlands, which has been on the rise since 2005. In his lecture, Vollaard explored questions around the origins of euroscepticism and wether the Dutch revolt against the EU is a reflection of declining support or an unwillingness of the Dutch to be engaged in EU politics.

2010: Christope Bertossi, "Mistaken Model: The 'Crisis' of Citizenship and Multiculturalism in France, Britain and the Netherlands"

On April 8th, 2010, Christope Bertossi, Director of the "Migrations, Identities, Citizenship" research program at the Institute for International Relations in Paris, gave a talk at UVic about citizenhip and multiculturalism. In his lecture, Bertossi challenged the global picture of ‘models’ and their ‘crises’, and proposes a new approach to ‘national models’ that brings about a deeper understanding of the so-called ‘crisis’ with respect to the integration of migrant and minority groups in Europe.

2010: Gilly Mathieson, "Scotland, the UK and Europe in the 21st Century"

Gilly Mathieson, a BBC video journalist and producer, came to UVic on August 12th, 2010, and gave a talk that was of immense interest to students and staff interested in British and Scottish politics.

See the poster.

2009: March Lecture Series

March lecture series
  • March 18- Luncheon talk with Dietmar Schirmer: ‘States and National Minorities in the EU: How does Brussels Shape Attitudes Towards Devolution and Regional Autonomy?'
  • March 19- Luncheon talk with Patricia Conlan: ‘Parliamentary Scrutiny of European Issues in Ireland: Changing approaches’
  • March 23- Luncheon talk with Dr. Susan E. Clarke: ‘Money is Not Enough: Governance Issues in US Urban Homeland Security Policies’
  • March 24- Susan E. Clarke, Women Scholars Lecture Series: ‘A Critical Look at Social Entrepreneurship’ (Senate Chambers, University Centre – Public Lecture)
  • March 25- Luncheon talk with Susan E. Clarke: ‘Muslims and Local Governance in London Boroughs’

The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, in partnership with the Univeristy of Victoria and other Canadian Institutions, continues to fund programming for graduate and post-doctoral students.  


2019: Graduate Student Workshop: Canadian Border Policies in Comparative Perspectives

2019 Graduate Student Workshop: Canadian Border Policies in Comparative Perspectives

UVic’s Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and Borders in Globalization (BIG) research programs, in partnership with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), and with funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, hosted a one-day workshop to explore specific policy-relevant questions on Canadian borders.  The objective of the workshop was to have students present and discuss research papers (topics below) with experts, scholars and border officials.  This was an outstanding opportunity to (1) present targeted research to the policy-makers who will use the knowledge; and to network with professionals.

View program on our  site.

2018: Borders in Globalization Research Seminars


Borders in Globalization will be hosting a series of bi-monthly seminars at the 番茄社区 from August 2018 to June 2019. These seminars will work to move the field of border studies forward by, among other things, exploring theoretical conceptual thinking on borders, and understanding practical issues addressed by policy makers.


For more informartion, visit the . To register for a seminar, please email registration@biglobalization.org

2017: Jean Monnet Network Workshops on Comparing and Contrasting Border and Migration Policy

Jean Monnet Network Workshops on Comparing and Contrasting Border and Migration Policy

The Network, based at the Unviersity of Victori and led by Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly and Dr. Oliver Schmidtke, brings together history, borders, security, and migration scholars to examin how the responses to the crises are shaping Europe's policies on these topics.

May 2017: Workshop on Irregular Migration and External Border Security in Europe and Beyond (Strasbourg)

This workshop entitled The Humanitarian and Migration Crisis in Europe: A challenge for EU borders was organized by Birte Wassenberg at the University of Strasbourg and was the first of three workshops in a Jean Monnet Network grant offered by four institutions from Canada, France, Japan and Turkey. The workshop examines how answers to the migration crisis are shaping Europe’s borders, migration and related security policies in exemplary manners and should be studied in comparative perspective and context. Activities are aimed at engaging graduate students, young researchers and professors at each partner institution along with the policy makers in each community, and featured remarks by scholars, border police, NGO representatives and students followed by a Chatham House Rules governed discussion.

For more information, please visit the . 

November 2017: Workshop on Irregular Migration and External Border Security in Europe and Beyond (Brussels)

This workshop focused on the external borders of Europe, and was organized by Dr. Can Mutlu (Acadia University, Canada; formerly Bilkent University, Turkey). The second workshop in a Jean Monnet Network grant shared across four institutions in Canada, France, Japan and Turkey that examines how answers to the migration crisis are shaping Europe’s borders, migration and related security policies in exemplary manners and should be studied in comparative perspective and context. Activities are aimed at engaging graduate students, young researchers and professors at each partner institution along with the policy makers in each community. 

For more information, please visit the . 


2017: Workshop on the Politics of the Euro Crisis

February 2017: Workshop on the Politics of the Euro Crisis

In February 2017 an interdisciplinary group of junior an dsenior academic experts from the fields of Political Science, History, Economics, Business, and Law as well as policy pracitioners collaborated in this unique 3 day set of sessions examining the effects of political and financial crises in the European Union (EU), as well as the specific institutions built by the EU in response to the econimic crisis.

All sessions were open to students and faculty at the 番茄社区 (UVic), as well as the general public.

This activity was funded by the European Union Centre of Excellence and he Social Sciences and Humanitites Researach Council of Canada.

2017: Panel Discussion on Political Leadership and Crisis in the European Union

This activity was funded by a Jean Monnet Project held by Dr. Amy Verdun at the 番茄社区. The panel discussion took place on February 9th, 2017, and was held at the European Committee of the Regions, in Brussels, Belgium.

"Political leadership in the EU" featured a panel disucssion of research findings on various aspects of political leadership in the EU: the performance of individual leaders, the strategic choices of EU institutions, and the role of individuals and institutions in specific circumstances and issue areas. 

2016: Panel Discussion: Political Leadership in the EU"

"Political Leadership of the EU"

On June 13, 2016, UVic co-hosted a panel entittled "Leadership and crisis in the EU" which is part of a larger project entitled "Political Leadership in the European Union".
The principal investigator of the project is Dr. Amy Verdun, and it received funding from the Jean Monnet Program from September 2015 through February 2017.

The project also included a workshop, "Political leadership in the EU", held on November 20th, 2015.

2015: Panel Discussion on "Political Leadership in the EU"

"Political Leadership in the EU"

On November 30, 2015, UVic co-hosted a workshop entitled Political leadership in the EU which is part of a larger project  entitled "Political Leadership in the European Union".
The principal investigator of the project is Dr. Amy Verdun, and it received funding from the Jean Monnet Program from September 2015 through February 2017.

The project also included a panel entitled "Leadership and crisis in the EU", held on June 13th, 2016.

2014: Workshop Series on Opening up Canadian federalism the European way

The 番茄社区 EU-Canada workshop series - Opening up Canadian federalism the European way

In the spring of 2014 the 番茄社区 (UVic) European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE) and the Department of Political Science ran a series of six workshops across Canada to disseminate and discuss the findings of a three year research project comparing Canadian and European Union (EU) approaches to governing social policy.

The workshops were held in Vancouver, Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, and Halifax. Many scholars with different expertises, comparing various social policies of Canada and the EU. 

The lead organizers from UVic were Dr. Amy Verdun and Dr. Donna Wood, both from the Department of Political Science. 

Bart Vanbercke and Madeleine Read, from the European Social Observatory in Brussels, together worked to further develop the EU-Canada comparison through a paper that highlights the EU's Open Method Coordination (OMC), and the importance of social policy development in the EU and in Canada.

2012: Summer workshop on challenges facing the EU

Summer workshop: challenges facing the EU

In a one day workshop on August 10th, Dr. Amy Verdun and ten colleagues and EU experts presented on the European Union and its diverse economic, social and political challenges.

2011: Presentation on "The Comparative Study of Integration Policies of Euopean Cities"

Presentation: "The Comparative Study of Integration Policies of Euopean Cities"

On October 27th, 2011, the Department of Political Science sponsored a presentation by Rinus Penninx, from the University of Amsterdam.

See the poster here.

2011: Presentation on "Multi-Layered Citizenship in Extended European Orders- Turks Acting as European Citizens"

Presentation: "Multi-Layered Citizenship in Extended European Orders- Turks Acting as European Citizens"

This presentation by Dr. Bahar Rumelili, from the department of International Relations, Koç University, on December 6th, was sponsored by the Department of Political Science and the European Studies program.

See the poster here.

2011: Symposium: "Imagining - Creating - Meaning"

Symposium: "Imagining - Creating - Meaning"

As part of the Seventh Annual Faculty Research Symposium of the Department of History of Art, on November 18th, scholars examined the role of the senses and the imaginative/creative faculties in relation to communicating with audiences.

See the poster for more information.

2010: Symposium: "Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogues (CETD)"

Symposium: "Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogues (CETD)"

This was a democracy and participation symposium exploring the question of what Canada and the European Union can learn from each other. There were four panels and 12 presenters discussing democracy and political participation in Canada and the European Union.

2009: International workshop on "South East and Eastern European Countries EU Accession Quandary"

International workshop: "South East and Eastern European Countries EU Accession Quandary"

Sponsored by the Jean Monnet Action Program and hosted on January 16th and 17th of January, by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.

The Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, in partnership with the Univeristy of Victoria and other Canadian Institutions, continues to fund programming for graduate and post-doctoral students.  



EU-CETA Conference: Understanding the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement and the EU

On October 30th, 2019, this practical and interactive workshop provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of how the European Union works and of the opportunities afforded by the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement. After the session, participants had a better understandhing of how most decisions are made in the EU; how to influence EU processes; how to seize opportunities afforded by the CETA; and how to recognise the importance of engagement with the EU.

Partial funding from the European Studies Program.

Graduate Student Workshop: Canadian Border Policies in Comparative Perspectives

UVic’s Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and Borders in Globalization (BIG) research programs, in partnership with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), and with funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, hosted a one-day workshop to explore specific policy-relevant questions on Canadian borders.  The objective of the workshop was to have students present and discuss research papers (topics below) with experts, scholars and border officials.  This was an outstanding opportunity to (1) present targeted research to the policy-makers who will use the knowledge; and to network with professionals.

View program on our  site.


Narratives of Memory, Migration and Xenophobia in the EU and Canada

This unique summer field school had students and faculty travelling between sites in Hungary, Germany, France and Canada and experiencing verbal, written and musical narratives at each physical location.
After visiting the Keleti Station near Budapest, and Ravensbruck near Berlin, the group travelled to Camp des Milles near Aix en Provence. 
Meeting up again at the Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the field school culminated with tours, classes, teachings from local First Nations elders, and a Public Symposium at UVic in August, 2017, held in conjunction with the SALT music festival 2017.


"CETA: Opportunities and challenges for British Columbia"

The impending Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union (EU) poses potential opportunities and challenges for Canadians in many areas, including – but not limited to – business prospects, legal constraints, and consumer behaviour. The purpose of this conference was to focus on some of the major public and private areas CETA is likely to affect in BC. The conference was hosted at UVic on February 18th, 2016. 

"Crisis and (re)Definition"

In 2008, a serious collapse of the global financial market set off a series of cascading fiscal crises across North America and Europe. The sorts of social and political action that emerged out of the crisis and continue to characterize post-crisis political discourse suggest that an epistemological rupture between political and social movements and their traditional ideological concerns is emerging. 

The aim of this conference, hosted by the EUCE at UVic and CFGS on May 25th, 2016, was to use a cross-disciplinary and comparative perspective to investigate the nature of these epistemic ruptures, and to explore the geographies of new, post-crisis politics, identities, and activism.

"State of the EU in Canada and the Pacific Asia"

UVic hosted the third, and final, State of the EU conference on May 25th to 27th, 2016. The conference presented an opportunity for Graduate Students in Canada, the United States, and the Asia Pacific to present their research on the European Union. Possible topics included the image of the EU in media, business, governance, free trade agreements, and arctic/maritime issues.

"Narrative Matters"

From June 20-23, 2016, UVic hosted this conference which showed that narrative is an important component of all aspects of everyday life. The conference offered participants an opportunity to learn about new narrative initiatives, innovations, and research; engage in dialogue about narrative practices; and learn about narrative studies in the Victoria region as well as more specifically across the 番茄社区 campus by interacting with multi-faculty presenters.

"Borders in the North"

On June 21/22, 2016 the second of two summer conferences was held at Yukon College in Whitehorse, Canada. Sponsored by Borders in Globalization (BiG). an innovative and integrative network of academic partners from Canada, the US, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, this conference brought together BiG investigators from Canadian and International Universities along with Northern people, government officials, industry stakeholders and students to discuss the opportunities and challenges that international, national and evolving borders are creating for the economies and societies of the north.


"The role of cooperative banks in promoting financial stability and sustainable economic development"

On August 26th and 27th, 2016, the EUCE co-hosted this conference with the Department of Economics and the Gustavson School of Business, which aims at providing a forum for academic researchers and policy makers to discuss issues related to the structure and design of financial systems and their impact on growth and financial stability. 

The 2016 inaugural meeting of the IWFSAS was dedicated to discussing the role of Cooperative Financial Institutions (CFIs). CFIs appear to have weathered the 2008 global financial crisis better than commercial banks. Despite this, the role of cooperative banks, credit unions, and other types of financial institutions with alternative forms of ownership, seem to be missing from the current discussions and debates about financial stability and regulatory reforms.

The call for papers welcomed both theoretical and empirical contributions on the following: the role of CFIs in strengthening the financial system, competition and bank risk-taking, safety nets and moral hazards, the regulation of CFIs, and so on. For more information, please visit the .  

This conference was organized by Dr. Paul Schure and and Dr. Basma Majerbi, and sponsored by The 番茄社区 (Gustavson School of Business & the Department of Economics) in collaboration with the European Union Center of Excellence (EUCE) and the International Research Center on Cooperative Finance (IRCCF) at HEC Montreal. 

This activity was funded by the European Union Centre of Excellence.

June 2016: The future of Holocaust memoralization conference


"State of the EU in Canada and the Pacific Asia"

The second of three State of the EU conferences was hosted at UVic on June 10th to 11th, providing an opportunity for graduate students from across Canada, Japan, and Taiwan to present their research on the state of the EU in their region, network with other scholars and gain experience as a panel discussant and presenter.

"Borders in the North"

On June 17/18, 2015 the first of two summer conferences was hosted by UVic and held at Yukon College in Whitehorse, Canada. Sponsored by Borders in Globalization (BiG). an innovative and integrative network of academic partners from Canada, the US, Europe, Asia and the Middle East, this summer conference brought together BiG investigators from Canadian and International Universities along with Northern people, government officials, industry stakeholders and students to discuss the opportunities and challenges that international, national and evolving borders are creating for the economies and societies of the north.


"Global Connections: Holocaust Education"

Sept 1-3, 2015, UVic hosted an interdisciplinary conference aimed at providing scholars, poets, writers, students, Holocaust survivors, and community leaders the opportunity to meet and learn from each other. The conference included expertise and research from the fields of Holocaust and genocide studies, education, gender studies, germanic and slavic studies, history, Indigenous studies, anthropology, sociology, and child and youth care. 

This conference focused on the intricate global networks necessary for a sophisticated approach to understanding and preventing hatred, racism, anti-Semitism, islamophobia, zenophobia, ethnic conflict, and genocide. In addition, the conference reflected on ways to encourage personal connections and relationships to the events of the Holocaust in the soon-to-be absence of living testimony.

The conference was organized by Dr. Helga Thorson, Dr. Charlotte Schallié, and Andrea van Noord, and received support from SSHRCC, the EUCE at UVic, the Centre for Global Studies, the Jewish Federation of Victoria and Vancouver Island, the UVic Faculty of Humanities, the UVic Department of History, the Austrian Embassy in Ottawa, Switzerland, Hillel BC, the Consulate General of the USA, The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Vancouver, the Centre for Isreal and Jewish Affairs, the German Academic Echange Service, Landscapes of Injustice, the Embassy of Hungary in Ottawa, the League of Canadian Poets, the Canada Council for the Arts, and Contemplating the Holocaust through Poetry. 

CETA Conference: Opportunities and Challenges for BC

Partially funded by the the European Union Centre for Excellence (EUCE).


"European integration"

On January 17th, 2014, the European Studies program hosted the 2nd annual Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Graduate conference. The conference was organized by Dr. Valerie D'Erman, of the Department of Political Science. 


On June 10-11, 2014, was organized by CEU, the 番茄社区 and the Tom Lantos Institute, and was sponsored by the embassies of the United States, Norway, and Sweden, the Israeli Cultural Institute, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, and the iWitness Holocaust field school project. The event was part of CEU's continued public discussion of the Holocaust with the aim of preserving and honoring the historical truth. 

The opening panels dealt with current Holocaust discourses and how various institutions present Holocaust education. Subsequent panels explored numerous initiatives that are educating students, the public, and even civil servants. 

Helga Thorson and Charlotte Schallie, UVic professors, were instrumental in the organization of the conference. The EUCE at UVic offered support to those wishing to attend the conference.

This activity was supported by the European Union Centre of Excellence.
"State of the EU in Canada and the Pacific Asia"
UVic hosted the first of three State and the EU conferences at UVic on July 17th to 18th, 2014, providing an opportunity for graduate students from across Canada, Japan, and Taiwan to present their research on the state of the EU in their region, network with other scholars and gain experience as a panel discussant and presenter. There was a broad range of topics covered, from the management of social issues such as immigration and ethnic diversity to political cooperation on energy and development issues to comparisons of governance and legal approaches to traditional hunting.

In October of 2013 the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union was signed in principle, granting Canada access to the biggest economy of the world. This conference, held at UVic on May 6th, 2014, aimed to bridge the gap between the theory (the law, international trade theory, political economy, etc) and the practice of international trade. One central theme was to further our understanding of what led to this this particular agreement. Another was to build on the available extensive theoretical and practical wisdom and assess the practical implications for industry and other stakeholders.

"Managing diversity, immigration, and multiculturalism" 

UVic's European Studies program and JMCE hosted the third, and last, graduate conference on the 20th of November, 2014. The conference was an great opportunity for graduate students to present their work on diversity, immigration, multiculturalism, and European integration. 

The following students presented at the conference:

  • Grace Ballor (PhD, UCLA), The Paradox of Firm-Led European Integration: Pre-Crisis Builders Becoming a Post-Crisis Threat

  • Sangmi Cha (Undergraduate, University of Washington, European Studies), Divisive Residue of the Berlin Wall

  • Alex Gunn (PhD, UVic Political Science), Catalonia’s interculturalism model: At the intersection of immigration, national self-determination and European integration

  • Waged Jafer (PhD, Interdisciplinary Studies, UBC), Examination of a ‘victimized identity’ amongst Shiite Muslim Canadians and ‘misrecognition’ of the Shiite identity within Canada.

  • Marc Woons (FWO Doctoral Fellow, KU Leuven - Institute of Philosophy, Centre for Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, UVic Visiting Scholar), Social Justice Beyond the Nation-State: Liberal Nationalism in Multinational Contexts



"European integration"

On January 17th, 2014, the European Studies program hosted the 2nd annual Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Graduate conference. The conference was organized by Dr. Valerie D'Erman, of the Department of Political Science. 

The call for papers asked applicants to focus on the European Union, and European integration. 


"Security's Impact on Border Policies"

The EUCE at UVic held this conference on March 30th and 31st, 2012 on campus. The conference and workshop explored varied issues in the comparative study of border security policies in both the European Union and the North American Free Trade Agreement areas. See here for more information.

See the detailed program here.

There was also a high school symposium attached to this event that took place on March 29th. View the poster here.

"Beyond crisis: Ways forward for a renewed European Union"

In 2012, the European Studies program held its first Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence Graduate conference. The conference took place at the 番茄社区, on Decemeber 7th, 2012. 

The call for papers sought applications that addressed:

  • New governance instruments in the Eurozone
  • Asymmetrical integration and Eurozone 'ins' and 'outs'
  • The role of the Franco-German partnership
  • Euro adoption in new members; Future enlargement
  • What it means to be 'Europeanized'
  • Treaty change and future directions for European integration
  • The growth or retreat of the 'European identity'

The keynote speaker for the conference was , from Oregon State University. 


Here are audio clips of the presentations at the 2012 JMCE Graduate conference:


Symposium: "Imagining - Creating - Meaning"

As part of the Seventh Annual Faculty Research Symposium of the Department of History of Art, on November 18th, scholars examined the role of the senses and the imaginative/creative faculties in relation to communicating with audiences.

"Comparing Modes of Governance in Canada and the European Union: Social Policy Engagement Across Complex Multilevel Systems"

On October 14th and 15th, 2011, the EUCE and the Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam at UVic held a conference that explored the complex multilevel governance systems of Canada and the European Union, and their effectiveness in policy making and implementation.

"Governing Migration and Integration in Europe's System of Multi-level Governance"

On October 28th and 29th, 2011, the EUCE held a conference to examine how immigration and integration policy, once the exclusive domain of national politics, are contending with new political and social actors and with competing levels of policy competence. See the detailed program here.


"ECSA-C Biennial Conference"

The European Studies program hosted the biennial conference for the European Communirt Studies Association-Canada from April 29th to May 1st, 2010. The conference dealt with the past and the future of the European Union and explored questions about the economic, social and political forces shaping the EU.

"The Financial Crisis, EMU and the Stability of Currencies and the Financial System"

The EUCE at UVic, along with SSHRC, sponsored a conference from September 30th to October 2nd, 2010, to discuss what to make of the financial and economic crisis. The themes were:

  • the EMU and the financial crisis
  • Non-EMU members and the financial crisis
  • the effect of the financial crisis and governance in the EU
  • the future of national currencies

There was also a high school event on September 30th, with lessons and questions about the financial crisis.