
Past lectures

EU lectures are typically co-sponsored by units on campus and funding from the European Union grants. In recent years the participating units have included: the Centre for Global Studies (CFGS), the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, the Department of Economics, the Department of Political Science, the European Studies Program, the Faculty of Law, the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, and the School of Public Administration.

2016 Fall lectures





12 Sep 2016

Dr. Wolfgang Schoen
Max Planck Institute

The European Commission vs. Apple & Co. - Does Competition Lawconstrain Tax Competition? Law

2016 Summer lectures

Date/Time Speaker Title Co-Sponsor

17 Aug 2016

10:30 - 12:00

Sedgewick C168

Dr. Assem Dandashly EU and Syria - full title and poster coming soon

Centre for Global Studies and Dept of Political Science

18 Aug 2016

12:00 - 1:30

Sedgewick C168

Dr. Pompeo Della Posta

Economic and Political Reasons of the Euro Crisis The Department of Economics Seminar Series

19 Aug 2016

3:00 - 4:30

Sedgewick C168
Dr. André Lecours
Nationalism and Self-Determination Claims in the European Union and Canada

Centre for Global Studies and Dept of Political Science

2016 Spring lectures

Date/Time Speaker Title Co-Sponsors

15 Jan 2016


BEC 363

Dr. Lucas Herrenbrueck Optimal monetary policy, currency unions, and the Eurozone divergence.

The Department of Economics Seminar Series

21 Jan 2016


Legacy Art Gallery

Dr. Jen Bagelman &

Harsha Walia

Series: The Refugee

Crisis and the Sanctuary City

22 Jan 2016


BEC 363

Dr. Thomas Lemieux
Unemployment in the Great Recession: A Comparison of Germany, Canada and the United States

The Department of Economics Seminar Series

6 Feb 2016


Odeon 2

Alexander Sokurov (director) Francofonia (film)

The Department of French

22 Feb 2016


CLE A302

Stefano Fantaroni (First Counsellor of Political Affairs and Public  Diplomacy, EU Delegation to Canada) The EU on the global stage: Challenges and opportunities

Feb 25 2016


Legacy Art Gallery

Dr. Alison Mountz Cities of Refuge

Series: The Refugee

Crisis and the Sanctuary City

Mar 11 2016


University Club

Wild Rose Rm

Dr. Jane Sandall Understanding variation in caesarean rates in Europe and the evidence base for strategies to achieve an appropriate rate : managing perceptions of risk in organisations, providers and women and families

School of Public Administration

Department of Sociology

Mar 17 2016


DTB A357

Dr. Frank Wendler Public discourse meets party politics: National parliamentary debates about European integration.

CFGS; Department of Political Science

Apr 7 2016


Legacy Art Gallery

Dr. Noam Leshem Rethinking No Man's Land: Sanctuaries in the urban dead zone

Series: The Refugee

Crisis and the Sanctuary City

May 24 2016


HHB 110

"To be or not to be": Reflections on EU referenda: past, present and (of course future)

CFGS; Department of History; Department of Political Science

2015 Fall lectures

Date/Time Speaker Title Co-Sponsors

23 Sep 2015


DTB A120

J. Donald C. Galloway, Dr. Scott Watson, Dr. Amy Verdun, Dr. Sabine Lehr, Mr. Almontaser Aidhy, Mr. Maher Boidany, and Dr. Feng Xu (moderator).  The global refugee crisis: Local, national and international responses The Department of Political Science, the Centre for Global Studies & the Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives

2015 Summer lectures

Date/Time Speaker Title Co-Sponsors

30 July 2015


Sedgewick C168

Dr. Conception Garcia-Iglesias, EUCE Visiting Scholar (Economics)

Dr. Juha Kilponen, Bank of Finland

Secular Stagnation - Experiences of Greece, Portugal, Spain and Finland

Department of Economics

12 Aug. 2015


Sedgewick C168

Dr. Assem Dandashly, EUCE Summer Visiting Scholar, Political Science

The EU Democratization Efforts in
the Middle East and North Africa

Department of Political Science & Centre for Global Studies

2015 Winter and spring lectures

Date Speaker Topic Co-Sponsors
24 Apr 2015

Université de Montréal

Eurozone morality tales Department of Political Science

The 2015 City Talks (Co-Sponsored by the EUCE)

Every year, UVic's Committee for Urban Studies hosts a series of lectures and events featuring distinguised urbanists from UVic and elsewhere.  provides a place for public dialogue about the prospects and challenges of cities, and is free and open to the public.





22 Jan 2015


Barbara Kintaert

Documentarian and community activist

"Can one small street in Vienna change the memory of the Holocaust?

Legacy Art Gallery (630 Yates street)

19 Feb 2015


Film Screening

"Welcome" by Philippe Lioret

Open Space Gallery (510 Fort street)

26 Mar 2015


Ken Foote

Department of Geography, University of Conneticut

"Contested places, constested pasts: Race, place, and the politics of memory in contemporary Budapest"

Legacy Art Gallery (630 Yates street)

16 Apr 2015


Glyn Ford

Steering committee of Unite Against Facism; former member of the European Parliament

"How can the European left deal with the threat posed by Xenophobia?"

Legacy Art Gallery (630 Yates street)

2014 Fall lectures





20 Nov 2014

Dr. Keith Banting

(Queen's University)

Transatlantic convergence: Multiculturalism and immigrant integration in Europe and Canada. CFGS

27 Nov 2014

Monique Scheer 

(Eberhard Karls Universitaet)

New Centers of Islamic Theology at Universities in the EU: the German Case

This lecture is part of the Norms of minority religious participation: Fields of practice conference (Nov 27-Dec 1, 2014)

2014 Summer lectures





18 July 2014

(Ruhr University Bochum)

Interest Groups in EU Politics: How to Lobby the EU Political Science

2014 Winter and spring lectures

A highlight of this lecture series was a talk from the EU Ambassador to Canada, Ms. Marie-Anne Coninsx, about the future of Canada-EU relations, with regards to CETA, the Strategic Partnership Agreement, and research collaboration.





14 Jan 2014

Laurence Malafry

(Stockholm University)

European Austerity: Does Inequality Matter Dr. Paul Schure
21 Feb 2014

(Bank of Canada)

Exploring Differences in Household Debt Across Euro Area Countries and the US Economics
6 Mar 2014

(University of Bristol)

Britain and the European Union Political Science
10 Mar 2014

(University of Edinburgh)

Scottish? British? European? Attitudes towards the Referendum on Scottish Independence 2014 Political Science
27 Mar 2014

Antje Wiener

(University of Hamburg)

Stateness of a Non-State: 'European' Citizenship Practice Twenty Years On CFGS
27 Mar 2014

Mareike Kleine

(London School of Economics)

Informal Governance in the EU CFGS
27 Mar 2014 Marie-Anne Coninsx (EU Ambassador to Canada) The Future of Canada EU Relations: CETA, Strategic Partnership Agreement, Research Collaboration CFGS
15 Apr 2014

(Catholic University of Louvain)

Is the European social model dead? The Euro Crisis and its Impact on National and European Social Policies

Political Science

05 May 2014

Adam Steinhouse

(National School of Public Administration)

How to Understand and Influence the EU

Economics, Political Science, Law and Business

2017: City Talk Series

2017: City Talks Series

The Jean Monnet EU Centre at UVic and City Talks brought speakers with European perspectives to Victoria to contribute to the established City Talks series. Details and videos can be found at .






26 October

Anton Tantner
Lecturer, Department of History, University of Vienna

The Political Life of Numbers: The History of House Numbering in European Cities

City Talks and the Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence

30    November  

Emilia Palonen
Senior Lecturer, Department of Political Science and Economic Studies, University of Helsinki

Space of Passions: Populism and the Politics of "Us" in the Urban Streetscapes of Europe

City Talks and the Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence

2017 Fall lectures





8 November    

Dr. Ambroise Kom
University of Toronto

Xenophobia and Identity in France: The Case of the French banlieues

Lecture notice

UVIC's Department of French, Department of History, European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE), European Studies Program (EUS), Interdisciplinary Program in Cultural, Social and Political Thought (CSPT), The Unesco Chair in Community Based Research and Social responsibility in Higher Education. 

2017 Spring lectures





10 April 2017


David Turpin Building (DTB) A110

Dr. Martin Klatt
University of Southern Denmark

Brexit, Right-wing Populism, Migration:
The re-bordering of Europe from a border region perspective

Event notice

Borders in Globalization
Centre for Global Studies

6 Mar 2017

13:00 - 14:00

David Strong (DSB) C128

Dr. Raoul Delcorde
Ambassador of Belgium to Canada

From ISIS to Ukraine, the challenges facing the EU and Belgium.
The international situation today and the perspective ahead of us.
Lecture notice  

Centre for Global Studies

24 Feb 2017

15:00 - 16:30

BEC 363

Thierry Warin, HEC Montreal

Reducing Systemic Risk in Europe: is the "banking union" a big enough step?

Host: Paul Schure

European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE)

26 Jan 2017

16:30 - 18:00

David Strong C108

European Commission


Centre for Global Studies,

Ocean Networks Canada

2014-2016: EUCE Lecture Series

European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE) Lecture Series at UVic

During the 2014-2016 EU Lecture series the participating units were: the Centre for Global Studies (CFGS), the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society, the Department of Economics, the Department of Political Science, the European Studies Program, the Faculty of Law, the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business, and the School of Public Administration.

2012: Anne Burrill, "Environment Policy in Europe"

Anne Burrill, EU Visiting Fellow from Jackson School, University of Washington, came to the University of Washington on January 27th, 2012 as a lecturer on 'Environment Policy in Europe'. Anne Burrill is part of the European Commssion as a Directorate General for Environment.

See the pdf version of her lecture.

2011: Ian Kilbey, "Interpreting the Power to Impose Financial Penalties upon Member States"

Ian Kilbey, lecturer at De Monfort University, gave a talk on September 20th, 2011, where he discussed the use of financial penalties under Article 260 TFUE to ensure the compliance of EU Member States with EU law. He also explored how the Maastricht Treaty, created in 1992, has been interpreted by the European Commission and the Court of Justice of the European Union.


2011: Dr. Anthony Lappin, "Arabs and Spain: 711 and all that"

On October 20th, 2011, the Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies presented a free & open to the public lecture by Dr. Anthony Lappin from the School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures at the University of Manchester. See the poster.

2010: Erik Aerts, "No Public Exchange Banks in Flanders and Brabant (1400-1800)"

On March 10th, 2010, Erik Aerts, Katholieke University, came to UVic to give a lecture explaining the absence of public banks in the Southern Low Countries from 1400 to 1800. This talk was sponsored by the Jean Monnet Centre Ad Personam.

2010: Karel Kovanda, "New Face of the EU"

Sponsored by the Jean Monnet Centre Ad Personam, this talk was given by Karel Kovanda, Deputy Director General in the Directorate General for External Relations (DG Relex), on March 10th, 2010.

2010: Irene Sacristan, "What the Lisbon Treaty means for the European Union"

This talk was given by Irene Sacristan, University of Washington, on March 15th 2010. Sacristan is a lawyer who has been extensively involved in the European Commission, specifically in the field of drug regulation, policy and legislative initiatives.

2010: Hans Vollaard, "Euroscepticism in the Netherlands"

On March 23rd, 2010, Hans Vollaard, Leiden University, gave a talk about the euroscepticism in the Netherlands, which has been on the rise since 2005. In his lecture, Vollaard explored questions around the origins of euroscepticism and wether the Dutch revolt against the EU is a reflection of declining support or an unwillingness of the Dutch to be engaged in EU politics.

2010: Christope Bertossi, "Mistaken Model: The 'Crisis' of Citizenship and Multiculturalism in France, Britain and the Netherlands"

On April 8th, 2010, Christope Bertossi, Director of the "Migrations, Identities, Citizenship" research program at the Institute for International Relations in Paris, gave a talk at UVic about citizenhip and multiculturalism. In his lecture, Bertossi challenged the global picture of ‘models’ and their ‘crises’, and proposes a new approach to ‘national models’ that brings about a deeper understanding of the so-called ‘crisis’ with respect to the integration of migrant and minority groups in Europe.

2010: Gilly Mathieson, "Scotland, the UK and Europe in the 21st Century"

Gilly Mathieson, a BBC video journalist and producer, came to UVic on August 12th, 2010, and gave a talk that was of immense interest to students and staff interested in British and Scottish politics.

See the poster.

2009: March Lecture Series

March lecture series
  • March 18- Luncheon talk with Dietmar Schirmer: ‘States and National Minorities in the EU: How does Brussels Shape Attitudes Towards Devolution and Regional Autonomy?'
  • March 19- Luncheon talk with Patricia Conlan: ‘Parliamentary Scrutiny of European Issues in Ireland: Changing approaches’
  • March 23- Luncheon talk with Dr. Susan E. Clarke: ‘Money is Not Enough: Governance Issues in US Urban Homeland Security Policies’
  • March 24- Susan E. Clarke, Women Scholars Lecture Series: ‘A Critical Look at Social Entrepreneurship’ (Senate Chambers, University Centre – Public Lecture)
  • March 25- Luncheon talk with Susan E. Clarke: ‘Muslims and Local Governance in London Boroughs’