
News & events

This conference (part of the Jean Monnet Project Canada Europe Dialogue on Democracy) will renew the debate over the relationship of constitutionalism to democracy, now in the light of populist politics.

A new Jean Monnet Network grant was awarded to Dr. Oliver Schmidtke, the director of the Centre for Global Studies and his team.

As part of the Centennial Anniversary of the Weimar Bauhaus, the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany and Thomas Heyd, Ph.D. of the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø’s Philosophy Department present architectural images by Berlin photographer Jean Molinar. These photographs display the various facets of Modernist Architecture from Germany and from around the world.

The conference, "Leadership and crisis in the EU" will be held in Brussels on February 9th, 2017.

A public forum examining Putin's recent controversies, international policies, and relationship with NATO, the EU and the West.

The EU Commission awarded UVic with five Jean Monnet grants to pursue research and education activities on a diverse set of issues related to the EU migration crisis.

Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly recently gave two interviews on Brexit (in French).

This lecture will be held on May 24th, 2016, from 3:00-4:30pm, in room 110 of the Harry Hickman Building (HHB).

Ottawa – The European Union Delegation to Canada and the Canadian Association of Journalists (CAJ) are pleased to launch the 2016 edition of the European Union-Canada Young Journalist Fellowship.

Iceland's Ambassador to Canada, Sturla Sigurjonsson, will be delivering this lecture on April 27th, at 7:30pm.

His Excellency Marc Lortie (Former Canadian Ambassador to France) will be delivering a lecture, in French, on April 19th about the immigration crisis in Europe.

The Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence, Italy, is calling for applications for 11 funded PhD positions in Political Science and Sociology.

On March 17th, Dr. Frank Wendler will be delivering this lecture on European integration at 3:30pm in DTB A357.

On February 22nd, Mr. Stefano Fantaroni (First Counsellor of Political Affairs and Public Diplomacy, EU Delegation to Canada) will be delivering a lecture entitled "The EU on the global stage: Challenges and opportunities".

The call for papers for the 2016 State of the EU in Canada and Pacific Asia has gone out.

The Department of French and the EUCE at UVic are co-sponsoring the showing of Francofonia at the Victoria International Film Festival on February 6th, 2016.

David Moffette, one of our EU-Borders Visiting Research Fellows at CFGS this past summer, received the Governor General's Gold Medal, which is awarded to graduate students with the highest academic standings!

The deadline for applications to the 2016 Model EU is Friday, November 27th, 2015.

Marie-Anne Coninsx, EU Ambassador to Canada, will deliver a lecture on The Importance of Canada-EU Relations, at UVic. The lecture will take place on Friday, Novemeber 21st, 2014, at 10:30am in DTB C103. There will be an informal Q&A from 11:30 to 11:50am in DTB C108. Space is limited, RVSP at eusprog@uvic.ca.

Oct. 27, 2015 -- EU Ambassador, Marie-Anne Coninsx, returns to UVic.

The deadline to apply to the 2016 I-Witness field school is November 1st, 2015.

On Friday, September 25th, 2015, the second talk on the refugee crisis took place, this time looking at the Canadian response.

This talk, addressing the ongoing refugee crisis, will be held on Wednesday, September 23rd, at 7pm in DTB A120.

This free panel talk will take place on Friday, Sep 18th, in DSB room 116, from noon to 1:30pm. The talk will present different points of view on the European response to the refugee crisis.

The "Global connections: Critical Holocaust education in a time of transition" conference will be held at UVic from September 1st to 3rd.

On July 22nd, 2015, Dr. David Moffette will present a talk entitled "Spatial, Temporal and Jurisdictional Borderwork: from Canada and Europe". The lecture will be held in Sedgewick C168, from 10:30 to 11:30 am.

On Friday, May 22nd, from 12:30 to 2, David Wolff (Community-University Partnership Program Executive Director, University of Brighton) will be delivering a presentation on community-university engagement in Canada and the UK. This event is co-sponsored by the EUCE at UVic, and the Institute for Studies and Innovation in Community University Engagement.

The European studies program would like to congratulate Ivan Dumka on completing his PhD!

The EUCE will be hosting the second of three 'State of the EU' conferences on Jun 10-11, 2015.

On Friday, April 24th, from 3 to 4:30pm, Dr. George Ross will be delivering a lecture entitled "Eurozone morality tales".

On April 16th, 2015, Glyn Ford will giving a talk entitled "How Can the European Left Deal with the Threat Posed by Xenophobia?", which will address the rise of xenophobia and racism in the EU. The talk is part of the 2015 UVic City Talks, and will take place at the Legacy Art Gallery (630 Yates st). Doors open at 7pm, and Glyn Ford will speak at 7:30pm. Mr. Ford will also speak at UVic at 11:30am.

Dr. Ken Foote will be delivering a Global Talk on Wednesday, Mar 25th, in Sedgewick C168 from 10:30 to 11:30am.

On February 19th, the European Union Centre of Excellence and the UVic Committee for Urban Studies are sponsoring a showing of "Welcome", a film by Philippe Lioret, as part of the 2015 UVic City Talks. The event will start at 7pm, with doors opening at 6:30pm. It will take place at the Open Space Gallery (510 Fort street). This multi award-winning new film is a compassionate and inspiring drama about the hope of new beginnings and the power of true love, centred on two couples contending with issues of separation and dislocation.

The call for papers for the 2015 Dalhousie EUCE grad symposium has been extended for January 25th. The symposium will take place on March 19th and 20th, 2015.

The European Studies program, the department of Germanic and Slavic studies, and the Victoria Film Festival present the movie "Phoenix". The film will play on Feb 13th, 2015, at 6:30 at Odeon 2.

The application process for the 2015 EU study tour is now open!

The call for 2015 field study grants is now open! Students are invited to apply for grants from the European union centre for excellence, with a maximum value of 900$.

UVic's team for the 2015 Model EU has been selected! The following students will be representing UVic at the University of Washington in February: Jordan Konyk, Ben Lukenchuk, Justine Reynolds, and Alex Elwood.

Eric Jarosinski, the creator of @NeinQuarterly and an acclaimed social critic, gave a talk at UVic on November 19th, at 7pm, in room 105 of the Harry Hickman building.

The EUCE at Dalhousie University is calling for papers for the conference "System Breakdown? Critical Reflections on the European Union in Crisis." The conference will take place on March 19th-20th.

On Nov 20th, Dr. Keith Banting will delivering a lecture "Transatlantic convergence? Multiculturalism & immigrant integration in Canada and Europe." The lecture will be held in room C103 David Strong building from 6-7:30pm.

On the 27th November 2014, Monique Scheer will deliver a lecture entitled "New Centers of Islamic Theology at Universities in the EU: the German Case". The lecture will be held in room 104 of the David Turpin building at 5pm.

The European Studies program and the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence are hosting a conference, on Nov 20th, for graduate students to present their work on Canadian and European policies on diversity, immigration, and multiculturalism.

The EUCAnet project at UVic invites applications for a graduate student internship. The internship is sponsored by the Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue, a project that involves a consortium of Canadian universities to develop academic networks and programs to disseminate research findings to practitioners and civil society in the fields of EU/contemporary European studies and Europe-Canada relations. This initiative is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) under the Strategic Knowledge Clusters program.

Associate Professor Charlotte Schallié and Professor Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly have been appointed as co-directors of European Studies.

The ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø EU-Canada workshop series- opening up canadian federalism the european way In the spring of 2014 the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø (UVic) European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE) and the Department of Political Science ran a series of six workshops across Canada to disseminate and discuss the findings of a three year research project comparing Canadian and European Union (EU) approaches to governing social policy. The workshops were held in Vancouver, Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, and Halifax. Many scholars with different expertises, comparing various social policies of Canada and the EU. The lead organizers from UVic were Dr. Amy Verdun and Dr. Donna Wood, both from the Department of Political Science.

"The Future of Holocaust Memoralization", on June 10-11, 2014, was organized by CEU, the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø and the Tom Lantos Institute.The event was part of CEU's continued public discussion of the Holocaust with the aim of preserving and honoring the historical truth.

Join us at UBC for our annual colloquiawhich will present the Western Tour guest speaker, (Queen's National Scholar, Professor of Classics and Professor of Philosophy, Queen's University). A panel ofspeakers will follow with paper presentations.

Saturday, Sep 21 from 11am-5pm at the Buchanan Penthouse at UBC.

A Neworld Theatre production presented by the Climate Disaster Project in association with the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø's Department of Theatre.

The 14th Latin American and Spanish Film Week will take place from September 18th until September 22nd, 2024. Attend a public chat with local Latin American artists and watch fourSpanish-language films (with English subtitles) at Cinecenta!