
Past Workshops

The European Studies Program at UVic has hosted many workshops and symposiums over the years, on topics ranging from EU policy-making to migration to border security. Many of these activities were supported by other departments at the University, and by EU grants held at UVic, including the European Union Centre for Excellence.

Political leadership and crisis in the EU

This panel, held on February 9th, 2017, featured a discussion of research findings on various aspects of political leadership in the EU.

Irregular Migration & External Border Security

This workshop on migration and border security in Europe and beyond, held on Nov 14th, 2017, was the second in a series of three Jean Monnet Network workshops.

Walls, Migration and Border Cooperation

This symposium, held at UVic on April 10th, 2017, featured two panel discussions on border in Canada and the EU. 

Politics of the EU crisis

These workshops were held from Feb 23rd to 25th, and brought together EU experts to examine the effects of the euro crisis. 

2019: Graduate Student Workshop: Canadian Border Policies in Comparative Perspectives

2019 Graduate Student Workshop: Canadian Border Policies in Comparative Perspectives

UVic’s Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and Borders in Globalization (BIG) research programs, in partnership with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), and with funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, hosted a one-day workshop to explore specific policy-relevant questions on Canadian borders.  The objective of the workshop was to have students present and discuss research papers (topics below) with experts, scholars and border officials.  This was an outstanding opportunity to (1) present targeted research to the policy-makers who will use the knowledge; and to network with professionals.

View program on our  site.

2018: Borders in Globalization Research Seminars


Borders in Globalization will be hosting a series of bi-monthly seminars at the 番茄社区 from August 2018 to June 2019. These seminars will work to move the field of border studies forward by, among other things, exploring theoretical conceptual thinking on borders, and understanding practical issues addressed by policy makers.


For more informartion, visit the . To register for a seminar, please email registration@biglobalization.org

2017: Jean Monnet Network Workshops on Comparing and Contrasting Border and Migration Policy

Jean Monnet Network Workshops on Comparing and Contrasting Border and Migration Policy

The Network, based at the Unviersity of Victori and led by Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly and Dr. Oliver Schmidtke, brings together history, borders, security, and migration scholars to examin how the responses to the crises are shaping Europe's policies on these topics.

May 2017: Workshop on Irregular Migration and External Border Security in Europe and Beyond (Strasbourg)

This workshop entitled The Humanitarian and Migration Crisis in Europe: A challenge for EU borders was organized by Birte Wassenberg at the University of Strasbourg and was the first of three workshops in a Jean Monnet Network grant offered by four institutions from Canada, France, Japan and Turkey. The workshop examines how answers to the migration crisis are shaping Europe’s borders, migration and related security policies in exemplary manners and should be studied in comparative perspective and context. Activities are aimed at engaging graduate students, young researchers and professors at each partner institution along with the policy makers in each community, and featured remarks by scholars, border police, NGO representatives and students followed by a Chatham House Rules governed discussion.

For more information, please visit the . 

November 2017: Workshop on Irregular Migration and External Border Security in Europe and Beyond (Brussels)

This workshop focused on the external borders of Europe, and was organized by Dr. Can Mutlu (Acadia University, Canada; formerly Bilkent University, Turkey). The second workshop in a Jean Monnet Network grant shared across four institutions in Canada, France, Japan and Turkey that examines how answers to the migration crisis are shaping Europe’s borders, migration and related security policies in exemplary manners and should be studied in comparative perspective and context. Activities are aimed at engaging graduate students, young researchers and professors at each partner institution along with the policy makers in each community. 

For more information, please visit the . 


2017: Workshop on the Politics of the Euro Crisis

February 2017: Workshop on the Politics of the Euro Crisis

In February 2017 an interdisciplinary group of junior an dsenior academic experts from the fields of Political Science, History, Economics, Business, and Law as well as policy pracitioners collaborated in this unique 3 day set of sessions examining the effects of political and financial crises in the European Union (EU), as well as the specific institutions built by the EU in response to the econimic crisis.

All sessions were open to students and faculty at the 番茄社区 (UVic), as well as the general public.

This activity was funded by the European Union Centre of Excellence and he Social Sciences and Humanitites Researach Council of Canada.

2017: Panel Discussion on Political Leadership and Crisis in the European Union

This activity was funded by a Jean Monnet Project held by Dr. Amy Verdun at the 番茄社区. The panel discussion took place on February 9th, 2017, and was held at the European Committee of the Regions, in Brussels, Belgium.

"Political leadership in the EU" featured a panel disucssion of research findings on various aspects of political leadership in the EU: the performance of individual leaders, the strategic choices of EU institutions, and the role of individuals and institutions in specific circumstances and issue areas. 

2016: Panel Discussion: Political Leadership in the EU"

"Political Leadership of the EU"

On June 13, 2016, UVic co-hosted a panel entittled "Leadership and crisis in the EU" which is part of a larger project entitled "Political Leadership in the European Union".
The principal investigator of the project is Dr. Amy Verdun, and it received funding from the Jean Monnet Program from September 2015 through February 2017.

The project also included a workshop, "Political leadership in the EU", held on November 20th, 2015.

2015: Panel Discussion on "Political Leadership in the EU"

"Political Leadership in the EU"

On November 30, 2015, UVic co-hosted a workshop entitled Political leadership in the EU which is part of a larger project  entitled "Political Leadership in the European Union".
The principal investigator of the project is Dr. Amy Verdun, and it received funding from the Jean Monnet Program from September 2015 through February 2017.

The project also included a panel entitled "Leadership and crisis in the EU", held on June 13th, 2016.

2014: Workshop Series on Opening up Canadian federalism the European way

The 番茄社区 EU-Canada workshop series - Opening up Canadian federalism the European way

In the spring of 2014 the 番茄社区 (UVic) European Union Centre of Excellence (EUCE) and the Department of Political Science ran a series of six workshops across Canada to disseminate and discuss the findings of a three year research project comparing Canadian and European Union (EU) approaches to governing social policy.

The workshops were held in Vancouver, Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, and Halifax. Many scholars with different expertises, comparing various social policies of Canada and the EU. 

The lead organizers from UVic were Dr. Amy Verdun and Dr. Donna Wood, both from the Department of Political Science. 

Bart Vanbercke and Madeleine Read, from the European Social Observatory in Brussels, together worked to further develop the EU-Canada comparison through a paper that highlights the EU's Open Method Coordination (OMC), and the importance of social policy development in the EU and in Canada.

2012: Summer workshop on challenges facing the EU

Summer workshop: challenges facing the EU

In a one day workshop on August 10th, Dr. Amy Verdun and ten colleagues and EU experts presented on the European Union and its diverse economic, social and political challenges.

2011: Presentation on "The Comparative Study of Integration Policies of Euopean Cities"

Presentation: "The Comparative Study of Integration Policies of Euopean Cities"

On October 27th, 2011, the Department of Political Science sponsored a presentation by Rinus Penninx, from the University of Amsterdam.

See the poster here.

2011: Presentation on "Multi-Layered Citizenship in Extended European Orders- Turks Acting as European Citizens"

Presentation: "Multi-Layered Citizenship in Extended European Orders- Turks Acting as European Citizens"

This presentation by Dr. Bahar Rumelili, from the department of International Relations, Koç University, on December 6th, was sponsored by the Department of Political Science and the European Studies program.

See the poster here.

2011: Symposium: "Imagining - Creating - Meaning"

Symposium: "Imagining - Creating - Meaning"

As part of the Seventh Annual Faculty Research Symposium of the Department of History of Art, on November 18th, scholars examined the role of the senses and the imaginative/creative faculties in relation to communicating with audiences.

See the poster for more information.

2010: Symposium: "Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogues (CETD)"

Symposium: "Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogues (CETD)"

This was a democracy and participation symposium exploring the question of what Canada and the European Union can learn from each other. There were four panels and 12 presenters discussing democracy and political participation in Canada and the European Union.

2009: International workshop on "South East and Eastern European Countries EU Accession Quandary"

International workshop: "South East and Eastern European Countries EU Accession Quandary"

Sponsored by the Jean Monnet Action Program and hosted on January 16th and 17th of January, by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence.