
EUCE 2014-2017

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EUCE Activities for 2014 - 2017




Ongoing BC EU Net Scholars and media
Ongoing Scholars, students and the public
Ongoing EUCE Lecture Series Scholars, students, and the public
2014 - 2016 Visiting Scholars Program Scholars
2014, 2015, 2016
Holocaust education outreach: High school workshop High school students and teachers
Apr-Jun 2014 EU-Canada Social Policies workshop Officials, civil society, academics, and graduate students
2014, 2015 & 2016
EU field work: graduate students UVic graduate students
May 2014 CETA conference Academics, public and students
May 2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017 EU study tour UVic students
May-Jun 2014 & 2016 I-Witness program UVic undergrad students
Jun 2014 & 2015 The future of Holocaust memoralization conference Academics
July 2014 State of the EU in Canada/Asia Pacific conference Academics and officials
June 2015 State of the EU in Canada/Asia Pacific conference Academics and officials
May 2016 State of the EU in Canada/Asia Pacific conference Academics and officials
Sept 2014, 2015 & 2016

Study abroad: Spain & Italy

UVic students

2014, 2015, 2016 & 2017
European borders without walls course 

Public and students

Nov 20, 2014 Multiculturalism & immigrant integration public seminar

Academics and public

Nov 21 2014, Fall 2015 & 2016 Teaching EU Integration: high school teacher training

High school teachers

Dec 8 2014, 2015 & 2016 Let's Talk Europe: high school student workshop

High school students

Apr 2015 CETA: Opportunities and challenges for BC

Academics and civil society

May 2015, Jun 2015 & 2016 EU borders intensive summer school

Students, academics and officials

May 2016 Grassroots protest in the EU and Canada

Academics and officials

August 2016 Financial crisis & the role of cooperative financial institutions conference

Graduate students, officials and academics
