
Graduate Student Workshop: Canadian Border Policies in Comparative Perspectives聽



UVic’s Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and Borders in Globalization (BIG) research programs, in partnership with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), and with funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, hosted a one-day workshop on July 12, 2019, to explore specific policy-relevant questions on Canadian borders.  The objective of the workshop was to have students present and discuss research papers (topics below) with experts, scholars and border officials.  This was an outstanding opportunity to (1) present targeted research to the policy-makers who will use the knowledge; and to (2) network with professionals.

View program on our site.

UVic鈥檚 Borders in Globalization (BIG) research program in partnership with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), and with funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, hosted a one-day workshop to explore specific policy-relevant questions on Canadian borders. This film features discussion lead, Birte Wassenberg.
UVic鈥檚 Borders in Globalization (BIG) research program in partnership with Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), and with funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, hosted a one-day workshop to explore specific policy-relevant questions on Canadian borders. This film features discussion lead, Birte Wassenberg.


Topic 1: Asylum  
What border policy reforms have been introduced in EU Member States over the past 5 years in response to the significant influx of asylum seekers in Europe? For example, reforms to entry / exit controls, identity management, public safety, security screening, and immigration enforcement measures.

Topic 2: Immigration Enforcement
Propose an analytical framework for assessing the gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) considerations with respect to developing immigration enforcement policy, including detention and removal.

Topic 3: Screening
Which countries, over the past 15 years, have had governments that have been involved in terrorism, systematic or gross human rights violations, a war crime, crimes against humanity or genocide? Compare and contrast Canada’s designated regime list with similar measures in place in other countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and/or EU Member States.

Application Process:

To apply, please send an email to  with “Summer Workshop” in the subject line with the following information:

  1. Which topic you will address
  2. Your department, program, and year (e.g., Political Science, PhD, 3rd year)
  3. Topic of your MA or PhD Thesis/Dissertation
  4. Attach a one-page document (max 500 words) with two sections: (1) why you are interested in the selected topic and how it fits into your overall research interests; and (2) how you will approach the paper.

Participation Conditions:

  • Research papers should be approximately 5,000 words and must specifically answer one of the topics below.
  • The papers must be submitted by June 30, 2019.
  • The workshop will be held on Friday 12 July, 2019 at the 番茄社区 or by remote participation
  • The best paper will receive a $1,000 reward. 
  • Each accepted participant will receive a $250 honorarium for the day’s participation. 


17 April 2019   Email of intent to submit application (indicate which topic).
05 May 2019    Full application (see above)
