
Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence

Dr. Brunet-Jailly speaks about the Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence grant.

The Jean Monnet European Union Centre of Excellence (JM EUCE) grant is led by Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly with Charlotte Schallie, supported by Oliver Schmidtke and Amy Verdun.

The JM EUCE builds on the long tradition of EU activities in research, outreach and experiential opportunities at UVic which has involved faculty from diverse departments to promote, advance and build excellence in the studies of European Integration at UVic and increase the visibility of the EU in British Columbia, Canada. The Centre will serve as the administrative and coordinating hub for the EU-funded activities on campus. It is located in the Centre for Global Studies. 

Direct outputs include EUS 200, student funding for the EU Study Tour and Graduate Research Grants, participation in public forums (including series downtown) and other research presentation opportunities.

Our final Public Forum will be combined with a Graduate Student Workshop on Canada's Border Policies in Comparative Perspective.

Introduction to European culture and identities

EUS 200 explores the multifaceted question of European culture and identity by means of an interdisciplinary inquiry into key moments in European history.

Graduate student research grants

The European Studies program provides grants to graduate, and undergraduate students through the Jean Monnet European Union Centre for Excellence. 

EU study tour

Every year, upper-level undergraduate and graduate students have the opportunity to tour EU institutions, learn from EU experts, and meet with EU representatives. 


The City Talks are a free public dialogue about different themes on the possibilities and challenges of cities, located in downtown Victoria, BC.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.