
Past outreach and education

The EUS at UVic,  along with the EUCE and various other programs and departments, engages in a wide range of education and outreach activities. The EUCE offers students and scholars support in many activities, such as funding for graduate research, visiting scholars, and the EU study tour, as well as support for educational workshops for local high school students. The EUCE is also offering the course 'European borders without walls' for the second year in a row. 

Holocaust Education 


This workshop for high school students, held on Apr 14th, 2016, aimed at increasing understanding of the Holocaust.

Let's Talk EU

On Dec 8th, 2016, the EUS, EUCE and Let’s Talk Science hosted this workshop on the EU for high school students. 

EU Curriculum

The EUCE at UVic sponsored three EU curriculum workshops for BC teachers between 2014 and 2016.

Visiting scholars

The EUCE and EUS, along with various partners, offers various opportunities for scholars from around the world.


West Coast Model EU

On February 8th, 2014, UVic sent students to represent Latvia and the European Commission at the West Coast Model EU at the University of Washington, in Seattle:


EU study tour

In May 2014, six students from UVic participated in the study tour through Europe and some of the major institutions of the European Union.

Summer 2014 visiting fellow positions

In 2014, the EUCE and Borders in Globalization (BIG) project, in partnership with the Centre for Global Studies, offered two visiting fellowship positions open to border experts from around the world.

Open online course: European borders without walls

This course was taught from September 22nd to December 1, 2014, by Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly. It was both an open online course and offered for credit to UVic students. European borders without walls addressed many aspects of border studies, from history to economics, with a special focus on politics and policy making. The course was made possible by support from UVic's EUCE and JMCE.

High school symposium: Let's Talk EU

On Decemeber 11th, 2014, the EUCE at UVic and the Let's Talk Science program hosted a symposium for high shcool students. The symposium aimed at engaging students in the growing issue of immigration, in the EU and Canada.


West Coast Model EU

On February 22nd and 23rd, 2013, UVic sent students to represent Slovakia and Greece at the West Coast Model EU at the University of Washington, in Seattle.

EU study tour

In May 2013, students from UVic participated in the study tour through Europe and some of the major institutions of the European Union.


West Coast Model EU

The EUS and EUCE at UVic sent four students to the University of Washington in Seattle to the West Coast Model EU from February 10th to 11th, 2012, representing France and Lithuania in the European Union simulation debate tackling the issues of a new EU treaty in the wake of the Euro crisis and of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

EU study tour

In May 2012, nine students from UVic participated in the study tour through Europe and some of the major institutions of the European Union.


West Coast Model EU

In 2011, several undergraduate students from UVic went to the University of Washington to represent Austria and Estonia, from Feruary 18th to 19th. Andrew Reeve, one of our students, won the 2011 award for Outstanding Head of Government.

EU study tour

In May 2011, six students from UVic participated in the study tour through Europe and some of the major institutions of the European Union.


West Coast Model EU

UVic sent four undergraduate students and one accompanying graduate student to the University of Washington, in Seattle on April 23rd and 24th, to represent Bulgaria and Malta.

EU study tour

In May 2010, six students from UVic participated in the study tour through Europe and some of the major institutions of the European Union.

Financial institutions summer school

Designed to provide a stimulating learning environment for PhD students, junior faculty, and young researchers who wish to takeup the challenging research questions arising from the economic crisis, this summer school took place from June 18th to 21st, just before the 2010 Western Finance Association Annual Meeting in Victoria.

EUCE visiting summer scholar

Justin Frosini, professor at Bocconi University, was the EUCE visiting summer scholar in 2010. He taught Law 343- Comparative Constitutional Law from July 12th to August 6th.

Mr. Frosini also gave a public lecture on July 23rd: "The EU Constitution: Quo Vadis"


West Coast Model EU

The West Coast Model EU in 2009 took place at the University of Washington in Seattle, as usual, on March 6th and 7th. UVic sent four undergraduates and an accommpanying graduate student to represent Belgium and Portugal.

See pictures from the model EU and learn about the other participants .

EU study tour

Laura Skoratko, a European Studies Concentration student, participated in the 2009 EU Study Tour in May, and then stayed on to complete an internship in Europe through the summer and fall.