
Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence


The latest Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence (2019-2022), held by Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly, will continue the long standing program of integrated research excellence teaching and outreach, on EU integration and the European Union at the 番茄社区 (UVic).

One brand new undergaduate course

Building on past successes this Centre launches a new course, EUS 400 "The European Legacy" taught by Dr. Nina Belmonte, and offered in the Fall of 2019, 2020, and 2021.

This interdisciplinary seminar course explores the roots of western culture in the narratives of shared values that accompanied the historical emergence of something called “Europe”, and identifies the legacy of these narratives in some of the most pressing issues of our times.

Undergraduate mobility and research grants

The JMCE also provides mobility and research grants for students to participate in conferences, field work, and experiential learning activities. Specifically, the JMCE funds UVic student travel on the annual EU Study Tour and Internship Program, as well as the annual West Coast Model EU. JMCE has also funded student travel to conferences, such as the Claremont-UC Undergraduate Confrence on the EU, as well as graduate research. 

International Borders in Globalization Summer Institute

In the summer of 2020, the JMCE launched a new International Summer Institute on border and migration public policy in EU-Canada policy relevant comparison. This is an accredited summer course, and offers two week-long residencies at the beginnig of July. Due to COVID-19 the first summer Institute was cancelled; however it will be offered in the summer of 2021 with a blend of online sychnronous and asynchronous elements, with the option of attending the week-long residencies in person.

The Institute for EU and European Studies Lecture Series

The online EU lecture series is co-sponsored by units on campus and funding from the European Union grants, and is attended by graduates, post-docs, and scholars from across the world.

Over the course of 2020-2021, we have hosted the following lecturers from Political Science, Public Administration, History, and Centre for Global Studies:

Contact: eusprog@uvic.ca

September 22, 2020 | Dr. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly | The UK-EU Membership Costs Yesterday and Tomorrow

October 20, 2020 | Dr. Oliver Schmidtke | Exploring the Rise of Populism and the Threat to Liberal Democracy: The European Context

November 24, 2020 | Benjamin Perrier | The Complex Relations Between Borders and the EU

January 19, 2021 | Dr. Keith Cherry | Pluralism in The European Union and ‘Canada’ in Comparative Perspective

February, 23 2021 | Dr. Amy Verdun & Dr. Valerie D'Erman | The Politics and Economics of EU Macroeconomic Policy Coordination: from the European Semester to the Recovery and Resilience Facility

 March 30 | Dr. Paul Schure | Fiscal Solidarity Across the Euro Area – Evidence from an Expert Survey

April, 20 2021 | Dr. Charlotte Schallié| Graphic Novels, Holocaust Memory and Human Rights