
Academic programs

Check out the diverse research and academic opportunities offered by the EUS at UVic!

The European Studies program (EUS) is an interdisciplinary program focusing on the study of European integration in the broadest sense, including politics, geography, history, culture, language, law, and economics. 

Book an appointment with the European Studies Program Coordinator () to discuss your options.  

Careers in European Studies


This list is not exhaustive but provides an idea of the options graduates have and what they have gone on to do. Some options are more directly associated with a European Studies degree than others. 

Advertising Consultant Human Resource Specialist
Archivist International Lawyer
Author Journalist
Biographer Legal Secretary
Community Worker Marketing
Cultural Interpreter Media Correspondent
Curator Non-profit Administrator
Diplomatic Services Policy Advisor
Editor/Publisher Politician
Entrepreneur Press Agent
Event Coordinator Professor
Foreign Correspondent Radio Host
Foreign Language Librarian Speech Writer
Foreign Service Worker Teacher
Freelance Writer Travel Agent
Government Administrator
Historical Site Guide


Some of these career choices may require additional education or preparation in the form of graduate studies, experiential education or professional formative courses and exams. For a more in-depth description of some of the careers mentioned above visit the Career Services website.


We offer the following programs for undergrad students:


We offer the following resources to graduate students: