
Teaching, research and personal use

UVic community members use social media for many purposes including teaching and learning, research, employee’s personal use and student’s personal use.

Although University Communications and Marketing is not the authority on these other uses of social media, we have provided some information below as a reference.   

All of the following information has been taken from existing policies and guidelines.

If you have questions about other types of social media use at UVic, contact the relevant party in each section.

Teaching and learning

Instructors and students may use social media to support learning objectives.

 More information:


The university recognizes academic freedom as a fundamental value. Faculty members are encouraged to engage with social media, and these guidelines are not intended to interfere with or restrict academic freedom in any way.

In exercising academic freedom, members of the university community must act in a responsible and reasonable manner and respect the rights of other members of the university community.

As with all communications at UVic, faculty members’ right to academic freedom is limited only by the university’s respectful environment and harassment and discrimination policies. 

More information:

  • For help promoting your research to the public, please contact the in UC+M.
  • For questions about academic freedom, please contact the and/or the .
  • .

Employees’ personal use

As long as employees’ personal use of social media does not impact their role as a member of the university community, the university has no role in governing how employees use social media in their personal lives. 

However, Human Resources guidelines are clear that employees should not conduct themselves in such a way as to seriously prejudice the university’s interests or reputation.

Using computing resources at work for personal use is acceptable but limited to responsible activities that minimize the disruption of university business while attending to necessary personal affairs.

More information:

  • assigned to your area or department.
  • .


Generally the university does not regulate students' personal use of social media.

In the case that an allegation of a violation of a university policy is received, the university may investigate and, where necessary, impose discipline in accordance with its policies.   

This includes but is not limited to a student's social media use that may violate the following university policies: 

More information:

Policies, standards, guidelines and other resources

Important policies, standards and guidelines and other resources at the university which extend to social media include:

  • UVic Edge Brand Guidelines
  • Communications and Marketing policy [under development]
  • Privacy policy [GV0235]
  • Intellectual Rights policy [GV0215]
  • Discrimination and Harassment policy [GV0205]
  • Responsible Use of Information Technology services [IM7200]
  • Copyright and the use of video materials [IM7305]
  • What you can reasonably expect from employees []
  • Policy on Human Rights, Equity and Fairness [GV0200
  • Resolution on Non-Academic Misconduct Allegations: [AC1300
  • Violence and Threatening Behaviour [SS9105]
  • All relevant Copyright Laws
  • Terms of Services for associated social media channels
  • All legal liability