
Social media strategy

A unit’s social media strategy should be a well-planned integration into the unit’s overall communication strategy. Here are some components you should consider when developing your strategy.


This isn’t about getting more Twitter followers. What are your long-term goals for your department overall?

Some examples include:

  • Increase the number of applications to a new program
  • Increase attendance at a UVic event
  • Promote a sense of community among current students
  • Let the community know about your department's research


Plan how you will use social media to meet your goals.

Some examples include:

  • Create a series of photos and quotes where UVic students talk about why they chose UVic. Share these on Instagram.
  • Create a Facebook event to promote an upcoming event.
  • Share news articles about your department's research on Twitter


 It's often hard to track how social media contributed to your department's goals. You can use social media analytics to estimate your influence. You can measure:

  • Number of people who saw a post
  • Number of link clicks
  • Engagement rate
  • Video views

It's a good idea to share some analytics with your dean, chair, director, manager on a regular basis. 

You can also check out these resources for some more in-depth assistance:

  • Free  from Hootsuite
  • Large selection of  by Hootsuite
  • Free  from Hootsuite
  • 8 week online course called by Higher Ed Experts