
Sharing content from non-UVic accounts

Accounts that are not hosted or developed by the university may be of value to the university in their relation to other university initiatives.

Examples include articles written by news organizations, videos created by other organizations, a faculty member’s Twitter account or a student’s Instagram account.

Content from these non-UVic accounts may be cited or linked to in official university communications.

If a manager of an official account would like to share this type of content, a few things should be considered first:

  • Is it appropriate for the university to be affiliated with this person or organization? Review recent posts, about us/me sections and associated photos in person or group’s social media account.
  • Seek permission to share or link to the content when appropriate.
  • Recognition or credit to the source of the content should also be given in a way that is appropriate for that social media channel.
  • Follow the Terms of Services for the social media channel you are using to share the content.
  • Obey all relevant Copyright Laws. (Contact UVic’s Copyright Office if you have questions.)

Best practices on how to share this type of content are constantly evolving as social media companies are updating their apps, websites and Terms of Service. Please contact us at socialmedia@uvic.ca if you have any questions.