

Wordmark for CommsCon 2024

CommsCon is a day of peer-to-peer learning, networking and collaboration. Dive into dynamic presentations, workshops, and panel discussions covering a wide range of topics, including UVic's media strategy, marketing, design and brand strategy, web strategy, crisis communications, and more. Engage with colleagues, exchange insights, and deepen your understanding of the marketing and communications landscape at UVic.

Event details


Registration for CommsCon is now open! Let us know which sessions you're interested in attending. Don't worry, we won't hold you to it; you can always decide to attend a different session. We just want to get an idea for planning.

Check out the schedule

Explore our jam-packed schedule featuring a keynote presentation and concurrent parallel sessions, workshops and networking activities.

*Please note that the schedule provided is subject to change. Any alterations will be reflected live on this page.

CommsCon Schedule at a Glance

*Subject to change



David Lam Auditorium (MAC A144) MacLaurin Lobby

Conference Room (MAC D101)

Conference Room (MAC D103)

Wellness Room (MAC D114)

8:00 - 8:45 AM Arrival and Check-in, Coffee and Refreshments

8:45 - 9:00 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks

'Pin a communication or marketing problem on all wall

9:00 - 9:50 AM Opening Keynote: Higher Ed. Marketing Truths -- Ryan Morabito, Senior Advisor, 5° Branding      
Transition to next session    
10:00 - 10:30 AM   What Do UVic Recruiters Do? -- Student Recruitment Reps

Web Accessibility Practices -- Ethan Perriccioli, Senior Web Officer, University Communications & Marketing

Transition to next session    
10:40 - 11:25 AM Part 1 -- Power of PR: Creative Media Relations Strategies --

Bringing UVic’s earned media strategy to life -- Nicole Crozier, Communication Officer, SCIE, Hannah Mashon, Communication Officer, IACE, Robyn Meyer, Communication Manager, ONC, Rachel Goldsworthy, Research Profile Officer, OVPRI, Anne MacLaurin, Communications and Special Projects Officer, SOSC, Erin King, Senior Media Relations & Issues Manager, Jennifer Kwan, Manager, Marcom (Earned and Owned), Kirsten Lauvaas, Associate Director, Communications and Public Affairs, Vanessa Johnsons, Associate Director, External Marketing and Communications

Transition to next session    
11:30 - 12:00 PM Part 2 -- Power of PR: Creative Media Relations Strategies -- Deeper Dive Workshop -- Nicole Crozier, Communication Officer, SCIE, Hannah Mashon, Communication Officer, IACE, Robyn Meyer, Communication Manager, ONC, Rachel Goldsworthy, Research Profile Officer, OVPRI, Anne MacLaurin, Communications and Special Projects Officer, SOSC, Erin King, Senior Media Relations & Issues Manager, Jennifer Kwan, Manager, Marcom (Earned and Owned), Kirsten Lauvaas, Associate Director, Communications and Public Affairs, Vanessa Johnsons, Associate Director, External Marketing and Communications      
12:00 - 1:00 PM (LUNCH)
1:00 - 1:50 PM Repurpose with Purpose -- Vanessa Johnson, Associate Director, External Marketing & Communications, UCAM; Simone Blais, Creative Marketing & Public Relations Strategist; Erin Hall, Communications Officer, Alumni & Development Finding connection in the stories we tell: a group poetry exercise (In-person workshop *16-person capacity) -- Dorothy Eggenberger, Senior Content Officer, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business Marcom skills & career development: Resource-swap edition (30 min session) -- Sasha Milam, Associate Director, Communications & Marketing, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business Capturing Nature's Classroom (Outdoor in person workshop *10 person capacity) -- Greg Miller, Senior Photographer, University Communications & Marketing
Transition to next session    
2:00 - 2:50 PM Let's talk about S...earch! - Content Marketing -- Molly Randhawa, Creative Strategist & Copywriter & Lance Singbeil, Marketing Specialist, Web & Design South Island Prosperity Partnership (SIPPS) Brand Evolution -- Kerry Slavens, Director of PR & Engagement, South Island Prosperity Partnership Emergency Communications -- Rob Johns, Manager, Emergency Planning, Campus Security; Erin King, Senior Media Relations & Issues Manager; Kirsten Lauvaas, Associate Director, Communications and Public Affairs  
Transition to next session    
3:00 - 3:30 PM Navigating opportunities and ethical considerations of Generative AI in higher education -- Hannah Rose, Strategic Projects and Communications Manager
Becca Edwards, Manager, Curriculum Development
Art of Storytelling: Data Visualization -- Rich McCue, Digital Scholarship Commons Manager Ctrl+Alt+Reboot: Insights from a new website project -- Jon Chabun, Web & Marketing Specialist, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business  
Transition to next session    
3:40 - 4:00 PM

Closing Remarks and Wrap-up

4:00 - 5:00 PM

After-Event Gathering at



Check-in @ MacLaurin Lobby

8 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.

  • Arrival and Check-in, Coffee and Refreshments

📍MacLaurin Lobby

Welcome and Opening Remarks @ MAC A144

8:45 a.m. - 9 a.m.

  • Welcome and Opening Remarks 📍MAC A144 (Auditorium)

  • 'Pin a communication or marketing problem on all wall'  📍MacLaurin Lobby

9 - 9:50 a.m.

Opening Keynote: Higher Ed. Marketing Truths -- Ryan Morabito @ MAC A144

There’s a gap of understanding around marketing on many campuses. We've developed a framework for schools to engage our campus partners in meaningful conversations and to evaluate their current marketing initiatives. The Marketing Truths helps colleges and universities identify gaps and opportunities. In this session, veteran higher education leader Ryan Morabito of 5 Degrees Branding will share his Higher Ed. Marketing Truths to show how thriving institutions are leveraging their marketing investment to drive enrollment and fundraising success. Ryan will also be sharing his most popular LinkedIn posts.

Presenter: Ryan Morabito, Senior Advisor, 5° Branding
Format: Keynote Presentation
📅 9:00AM - 9:50AM
📍MAC A144 (Auditorium)

 Zoom Link:  

10 - 10:30 a.m. - Parallel sessions

What Do UVic Recruiters Do? -- Student Recruitment Reps @ MAC D101

An insightful session exploring the behind-the-scenes world of UVic recruiters. Ever wondered how universities attract the best and brightest students? This session will provide a comprehensive overview of the strategies, tactics, and responsibilities of UVic's recruitment team.

Presenter:  Student Recruitment Reps
Format: Presentation
📅 10:00AM - 10:30AM
📍MAC D101

Zoom Link:  

Web accessibility practices -- Ethan Perriccioli @ MAC D103

A high-level overview of website accessibility practices at UVic and why they matter to your audiences.

Presenter: Ethan Perriccioli, Senior Web Officer, University Communications and Marketing
Format: Presentation
📅 10 - 10:30 A.M.
📍MAC D103


10:40 - 11:25 a.m. - Power of PR: creative media relations strategies Part 1

Part 1 -- Power of PR: Creative Media Relations Strategies -- Bringing UVic鈥檚 earned media strategy to life -- Panel of Communication Officers and UCAM @ MAC A144

Discover how UVic’s earned media strategy comes to life through impactful examples and interactive discussions. Our panel of communication officers and UCAM team members will showcase the importance of media relations in shaping our university's narrative, expanding our reach, and establishing thought leadership. Learn about our strategic engagement with independent media outlets and the role of communication officers in leveraging earned media to elevate UVic’s profile.


Nicole Crozier, Communication Officer, SCIE
Hannah Mashon, Communication Officer, IACE
Robyn Meyer, Communication Manager, ONC
Rachel Goldsworthy, Research Profile Officer, OVPRI
Anne MacLaurin, Communications and Special Projects Officer, SOSC

Erin King, Senior Media Relations & Issues Manager
Jennifer Kwan, Manager, Marcom (Earned and Owned)
Kirsten Lauvaas, Associate Director, Communications and Public Affairs
Vanessa Johnsons, Associate Director, External Marketing and Communications

Format: Presentation
📅 10:40AM - 11:25AM
📍MAC A144 (Auditorium)

Zoom Link:  

11:30 a.m. - noon - Power of PR: creative media relations strategies Part 2

Part 2 -- Power of PR: Creative Media Relations Strategies -- Deeper Dive Workshop -- Panel of Communication Officers and UCAM @ MAC A144

 In this hands-on workshop, delve deeper into the creative media relations strategies that drive UVic’s success. Our panel of communication officers and UCAM experts will guide you through advanced tactics, including how to seize the news cycle and pitch stories effectively. Participate in practical exercises and gain key insights to enhance your media relations skills, ensuring your stories resonate and achieve maximum impact.


Nicole Crozier, Communication Officer, SCIE
Hannah Mashon, Communication Officer, IACE
Robyn Meyer, Communication Manager, ONC
Rachel Goldsworthy, Research Profile Officer, OVPRI
Anne MacLaurin, Communications and Special Projects Officer, SOSC

Erin King, Senior Media Relations & Issues Manager
Jennifer Kwan, Manager, Marcom (Earned and Owned)
Kirsten Lauvaas, Associate Director, Communications and Public Affairs
Vanessa Johnsons, Associate Director, External Marketing and Communications

 Format: Workshop
📅 11:30AM - 12:00 PM
📍MAC A144 (Auditorium)


1 - 1:50 p.m.- Parallel sessions

Repurpose with Purpose -- Vanessa Johnson, Simone Blais, Erin Hall @ MAC A144

Join us to explore how we can effectively utilize existing produced assets across different audiences and platforms. Learn strategies and best practices for adapting content to maximize reach and impact in diverse digital landscapes.

Vanessa Johnson, Associate Director, External Marketing and Communications, University Communication and Marketing
Simone Blais, Creative Marketing & Public Relations Strategist, University Communication and Marketing
Erin Hall, Alumni & Development Communications Officer

Format: Panel Discussion
📅 1:00PM - 1:50PM
📍MAC A144 (Auditorium)

Zoom Link:  

Marcom skills and career development: Resource-swap edition -- Sasha Milam @ MAC D103

In this session, join forces with colleagues to pick through the vast sea of marketing & communications professional development materials. Bring your favourite marcom or career development resource (books, podcasts, vlogs, newsletters, etc.) and come ready to share it using the following 4-minute format: a brief summary, key takeaways, recommended audience, and insights on when to engage with or skip the content. Sasha will kick things off with a 4-minute pitch for why you should (or should not) read management icon Henry Mintzberg’s Understanding Organizations; the group will have a few minutes to hone their resource pitch and then share. The goal is 1) to collaboratively fuel marcom careers via bite-sized, actionable takeaways, and 2) to create a shared resource list the group can take home to engage with later.

Presenter:  Sasha Milam, Associate Director, Communications and Marketing, 
Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
Format:  Workshop
📅 1:00PM - 1:30PM
📍MAC D103

Zoom Link: 

Finding connection in the stories we tell -- Dorothy Eggenberger @ MAC D101

Group poem exercise to explore inspiration from the creator's desk while building your marketing and communication community.

Presenter:  Dorothy Eggenberger, Senior Content Officer,  Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
Format: Workshop
16-person capacity
📅 1:00PM - 1:50PM
📍MAC D101

AT CAPACITY - Capturing Nature's Classroom: Outdoor Photography Workshop -- Greg Miller

Step into nature's classroom and unleash your creativity in this immersive outdoor photography workshop. Led by our acclaimed photographer Greg Miller, this hands-on session invites participants to explore the natural landscapes surrounding UVic while honing their photography skills and capturing the beauty of the outdoors. This workshop will focus on working with natural light to take headshots and group photos, making the most of the beautiful natural settings.

Presenter:  Greg Miller, Senior Photographic Technician, University Communication and Marketing
Format: Outdoor Workshop
10-person capacity
📅 1:00PM - 1:50PM
📍MAC D103 (Meet up Place)

2 - 2:50 p.m. - Parallel sessions

Let's talk about S...earch! -Content Marketing -- Molly Randhawa and Lance Singbeil @ MAC D144

Let's demystify search! Learn how to tap into your audience's search behaviour and effectively incorporate key terms into your content. Join us for a crash course and discussion on content marketing, understanding search habits, and crafting compelling copy that converts. Led by Molly from UCAM and Lance from Continuing Studies, be prepared to walk away with practical tools you can implement right away.

Molly Randhawa, Creative Strategist and Copywriter, University Communication and Marketing
Lance Singbeil, Marketing Specialist, Web & Design, Division of Continuing Studies

📅 2:00PM - 2:50PM
📍MAC A144 (Auditorium)

Zoom Link: 

SIPPS Brand Evolution - Kerry Slavens @ MAC D101

*Stay tuned for the details.

Presenter: Kerry Slavens, Director of PR & Engagement, South Island Prosperity Partnership

Format: Presentation
📅 2:00PM - 2:50PM
📍MAC D101

Zoom Link: 


Emergency Communications - Rob Johns, Erin King, and Kirsten Lauvaas @ MAC D103

*Stay tuned for the details

Rob Johns, Manager, Emergency Planning, Campus Security Services
Erin King, Senior Media Relations & Issues Manager, University Communications and Marketing
Kirsten Lauvaas, Associate Director, Communications and Public Affairs, University Communications and Marketing

Format: Presentation
📅 2:00PM - 2:50PM
📍MAC D103

Zoom Link:  

3 - 3:30 p.m.- Parallel sessions

Navigating opportunities and ethical considerations of Generative AI in higher education -- Hannah Rose and Becca Edwards @ MAC A144

GenAI is a form of machine learning with the capabilities to produce text, images, video, music, code, etc. GenAI has increased in popularity in the past year. As educators and communications professionals, we’ve witnessed both excitement and apprehension surrounding GenAI in the post-secondary context. This year, the Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation (LTSI) formed a working group to understand the strengths and limitations of the tools, and developed a position statement and recommendations on its use for students and instructors. The session will focus on the messaging and approach used in communicating guidelines and how we facilitate conversations and professional development with instructors and students on ethical use.

Hannah Rose, Strategic Projects and Communications Manager
Becca Edwards, Manager, Curriculum Development
Format: Presentation
📅 3:00PM - 3:30PM
📍MAC A144

Zoom Link:   

ART of Story Telling - Data Visualization -- Rich McCue @ MAC D101

Continuation of ART of story telling session from last year. Using data visualization to tell a story really does make a picture worth a 1000 words. Learn how you can bring your story to life in new ways.

Presenter:  Rich McCue, Digital Scholarship Commons Manager

Format: Workshop
📅 3:00PM - 3:30PM
📍MAC D101

Zoom Link:

Ctrl+Alt+Reboot: Insights from a new website project -- Jon Chabun @ MAC D103

Lessons learned from our website reboot
You'll receive an insider's view of a new website project: - people respect a process - data made me do it - your competition sucks - Marie Kondo-ing your content - using the transition to “lose stuff in the move” - the good, bad and ugly of user testing - making documents accessible might be the end of you - DubBot and a content governance plan can keep you honest post-launch

Jon Chabun, Web & Marketing Specialist, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business
Format: Presentation
📅 3:00PM - 3:30PM
📍MAC D103

Zoom Link:  

3:40 - 4 p.m.

Closing Remarks @ MAC A144

  • Closing Remarks and Wrap-up

📍MAC A144 (Auditorium)

4 - 5 p.m.

After-Event Social Gathering @ Felicitas's Pub

Join us for an informal social gathering immediately following CommsCon. It's a great opportunity to unwind, network with fellow attendees, and discuss the day's sessions. A cash bar will be available for those who wish to purchase drinks.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Contact us

For inquiries or more information about CommsCon, please contact us at or 250-721-7636.