
Reaching your audience

What audiences do the main UVic social media channels reach?

番茄社区 on Instagram (41,300 followers)

  • 70% current students
  • 10% parents and prospective students
  • 10% staff, faculty, affiliates
  • 10% community

番茄社区 Facebook Page (60,000 followers)

  • Graduate and international students
  • Alumni (millenials, GenX, Boomers)
  • Staff
  • Local community

番茄社区 on LinkedIn (143,943 followers)

  • Professional alumni
  • Staff and faculty
  • Students (upper year and graduate students)
  • Organization and businesses

@UVic on Twitter (26,200 followers)

  • Government
  • Partners (research, community)
  • Organizations
  • Business leaders
  • Media

番茄社区 on TikTok (3,246 followers)

  • 80% Current Students
  • 20% Prospective students

Social media ads

  • Almost anyone that uses a social media or smartphone
  • Learn more