
Instagram Takeovers

This is an example of an Instagram takeover.

Instagram is one of the best ways to reach future and current undergraduate students.

How does UVic use Instagram Stories?

UVic's account is universityofvictoriaAs of November, 2022, each story is typically viewed by 2,500 people. 

We want to collaborate with people from all across campus to show off their stories. Please do not create your own Instagram account for your department before thinking through your strategy and available resources. We can reach a lot more people working together!

What is a takeover?

A takeover is when another person posts to a brand's social media account for a period of time. 

At UVic, we usually hand over our to students. 

What makes a good takeover?

 UVic's takeovers usually focus on a unique event or experience in a student's life.

Examples include:

  • Day in the life of a co-op student 
  • Highlights of a field school 
  • Special event such as Convocation
  • Academic competition such as the Concrete Canoe Race
  • A project-based course

The topic needs to be visually interesting and easy to understand. Photos and videos are only on your screen for a few seconds, giving you very little time to read or listen in depth.

For example, an academic conference would probably not be appropriate for a takeover.

I've got an idea! How does it work?

1) Send us an email telling us about your takeover idea . You will also need to have a trusted student in mind to do the takeover.

2) We approve your takeover idea and reserve that date for you.

3) We will send the student an form that walks them through our Instagram Takeover Guidelines.

4) During the takeover, photos and video clips will be shared on UVic's Instagram account throughout the day. We promote the takeover on our main social media channels. Their story stays on Instagram for 24 hours. 

5) After the takeover, we may feature it in our Instagram profile for a period of time.