
Style guide

This UVic Editorial Style Guide was created to aid writers and editors preparing print and web communications for academic and administrative units of the 番茄社区. It applies to all general, promotional and marketing communications materials, official correspondence, and reports and submissions to university governing bodies. It is not intended to apply to teaching, scholarly or research texts.

Any style guide, this one included, is a work in progress. As new editorial questions arise and language and usage change, it will evolve. University Communications + Marketing welcomes input from users of this guide in order to make it more useful. This site will carry announcements of additions, changes and updates to the content of the guide. 

Alternative formats

In addition to this website, UVic Style is available in a printable format (248 KB pdf).

Spelling authority

The university uses the Canadian Oxford Dictionary as its spelling authority. It can also be searched online via the .

Questions and comments

We welcome input from users in order to make future editions more useful. Please address queries and comments to  or 250-721-6022.