
Content for a social media post

Want to share something on social media as a post? Here is what you need:

1) Photo

You will need at least one horizontal photo: 

  • Horiztonal means that the longest edge of the photo is along the bottom.
  • Do not edit your photo. This includes text. There should be no words digitally added.
  • Do not do a Google image search and take something.
  • Instead, try to use photos of UVic people that were taken recently.
  • Here are some .

2) A very short blurb 

You only have a few moments to capture someone's attention. 

  • Limit your copy to one or two sentences.
  • Put all the important information and details that would be interesting to the audience
  • Avoid acronyms.
  • Read what you wrote out loud. Does it sound conversational? Is it easy to understand?
  • Do not send us an essay about your department and your event. Try your best to summarize it. We can help further refine it.

3) Optional: Link to webpage 

Send us a link to a webpage.

  • Fewer than 1% of people who see your post, will click your link.
  • For the few people who do click, make it very easy for them to figure out what to do next.
  • We cannot link to your poster. Put the information on a webpage. 
  • You can put information on your departmental webpage or the .
  • You can also create a Facebook event or ask us to help making one.